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If You Participate in a Co-Op, what classes are offered?

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If your child participates in a Home school Co-Op, say meeting once a week, what kind of classes are offered. What classes do your children take?

My children have participated in a co-op. I usually steer towards classes that I wouldn't necessarily do at home (i.e. public speaking, Home ec, Nature Journal combined with writing/art, praise/worship band, chess club,etc.

This particular Co-Op we are in now (military and move frequently) doesn't offer much.

I am interested in what classes your co-op has as I am thinking I might like to "teach" next year and want something >>>>> I don't know. :confused1:

Grades I am looking at are 7-12th range.

Thanks! Amy

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This is a cut and paste from a recent email about our co op's classes for next year. It meets on Fridays from 8 am - 12:30 pm. The classes are based on what parents request. It is a medium-sized, well-run co op which provides classes for kindy - 12th, depending on the current make-up of kids. My kids will be taking the bolded courses. 10:30 to 12:30-Biology 9th and up


8:30 to 10:30-Chemistry 10th and up


10:30 to 12- Notgrass World Hist and Lit 10th and up


8:30 to 9:30-Notgrass American Hist 8th and up


10:30 to 11:30-Math Drills 5th and up


9:30 to 10:30-Latin (Latina Christiana II- prerequisite is Latina Christiana I)


11 to 12-Apologia Astronomy 8yrs old and up


10 to 11-Literature 8yrs old and up


11 to 12-Gross Science 8yrs and up(1st semester only)


11 to 12- Art 8yrs and up (2nd semester only)


10:30 to 11:30-Texas History 5th and up


11 to 12:30-Physical Science 7th and up


8:30 to 9:30-General Science 6th and up


9:30 to 10:30-Creative Writing 6th to 9th grade


8:30 to 10:30- Omnibus III 9th and up (prerequisite -Omnibus I or II)

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This is a cut and paste from a recent email about our co op's classes for next year. It meets on Fridays from 8 am - 12:30 pm. The classes are based on what parents request. It is a medium-sized, well-run co op which provides classes for kindy - 12th, depending on the current make-up of kids. My kids will be taking the bolded courses. 10:30 to 12:30-Biology 9th and up


8:30 to 10:30-Chemistry 10th and up


10:30 to 12- Notgrass World Hist and Lit 10th and up


8:30 to 9:30-Notgrass American Hist 8th and up


10:30 to 11:30-Math Drills 5th and up


9:30 to 10:30-Latin (Latina Christiana II- prerequisite is Latina Christiana I)


11 to 12-Apologia Astronomy 8yrs old and up


10 to 11-Literature 8yrs old and up


11 to 12-Gross Science 8yrs and up(1st semester only)


11 to 12- Art 8yrs and up (2nd semester only)


10:30 to 11:30-Texas History 5th and up


11 to 12:30-Physical Science 7th and up


8:30 to 9:30-General Science 6th and up


9:30 to 10:30-Creative Writing 6th to 9th grade


8:30 to 10:30- Omnibus III 9th and up (prerequisite -Omnibus I or II)


Thanks! I like how your co-op offers Notgrass and Omnibus. That is cool. Gross Science.... never heard of that. Will research. The co-op offered Creative writing and science and Spanish, no Latin though but I can't teach that! Ha! :leaving: Literature is a great idea that I haven't heard of offered at a co-op! Please keep the thoughts coming ladies. :bigear:

Amy :D

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I recently posted looking for ideas...this is the thread. It may give you some ideas although many are for younger dc.


l read that whole Thread. :thumbup:


Ideas that I gleamed and really like:

~ Bioethics

~Gizmos & Gadgets

~Backyard Ballistics

~Fine Arts (study and music and art of a particular period)

~History/Economics (books by Richard Maybury)

~Greek History


Amy :D

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We're looking at joining a high school/upper middle school co-op next year. I'm not certain yet of the class line up (should find out next week), but I know they have offered/are considering offering the following:

Gavel Club

Debate Club

Film Club

Current Events

Art history

Artist Trading Cards

World History

personal finance

middle school chemistry


beginning guitar


animal behavior



web design



I have offered to teach a Classical mythology class leading to the Medusa exam, but it won't be this year.

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Ours always does picture study at the beginning, and then for the past couple of years, they've been able to offer two classes each day. Sometimes the kids have a choice; sometimes all kids in a certain age range go to a particular class.


Some of the things we've done in the past couple of years: Music and Movement for preschoolers, Dr. Seuss fun (preschoolers), American Girl (pick an AG and do some activities based on her time period), pirates (literature study for 6-9yo boys based on Treasure Island), Renaissance history, nutrition, cooking, art, gym (relays and games for ages 8-12ish), IEW, forensics (high school level), Lego club, Asian cultures, Greekology (Greek culture class), world cultures, sign language, nature.

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Ideas that I gleamed and really like:

~ Bioethics

~Gizmos & Gadgets

~Backyard Ballistics

~Fine Arts (study and music and art of a particular period)

~History/Economics (books by Richard Maybury)

~Greek History


Those all sound like great fun!


We are currently in an academic Friday co-op.


For middle school age this year there was the following:


Greek or Geography (North America this year)

Earth Science

Humanities -- American History



For High School:




Humanities -- American History

Great Books -- American Literature


It has been a great year for both my 13 and 16yo. Challenges that I could not give them at home -- writing, discussion, recitation, upper levels of Latin, Greek, etc...definitely not "enrichment" only. Rather, enriching on the basics in an amazing way...with plenty of homework. :) If anyone is in NoVA and wants to join a classical co-op, let me know!

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This is the first year for our co-op. This year high schoolers took Notgrass Government (with 1/2 credit for Speech as well), Environmental Science (taught by a retired public school teacher and local nature guru, lol) and American Literature. Middle schoolers took Literature, Enviro Science and US Geography (using Trail Guide). Next year we will be using Notgrass America the Beautiful for middle and Exploring America for high. Also doing the Lit component for middle. High schoolers will take Physical Science (taught by one of our dads who is a chemical engineer) and middle/upper elementary will take Apologia Exploring Creation w/ Human Anatomy. High school will also have Health and Personal Finance using Dave Ramsey's curriculum. Middle will have Fine Arts. We've loved our co-op and can't wait for next year!

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MIddle school and high school classes this year:


MIddle school -- SOTW year 4, ASL, Drama 1, Whole foods nutrition, CPO Earth Science, Creative Writing, Home Ec (sewing, interior design -- this was offered to high schoolers, too), PE


HIgh school -- Personal Finance/Dave Ramsey (1 semester), government (Notgrass? really, I'm not sure what they're using), literature, Drama (1 semester), Public Speaking (1 semester), Health (1 semester)



Next year:


Middle school -- ASL2, Cooking with History, Art, CPO Physical Science, BIblioplan Ancient History, reading/writing workshop


High School -- Apologia Biology, Economics, World geography, literary analysis, Intro. to writing types (half credit class covering essays, poetry, creative writing, etc.)


Past years' high school/middle school classes have included Apologia Physical Science (middle school), Kinetic Physics (which was totally awesome) (high school), knitting and crochet, high school PE (golf, tennis, bowling, soccer), high school art, WriteShop 1, Bible study, child development (high school class), psychology (high school class), recorder, auto maintenance (high school), journalism, Shepherd's life science (middle school), Notgrass World History (high school), Notgrass American History (high school)

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I was part of a group that formed a new school-year-long coop this school year. It is for ages pre-k and up with a nursery. Here are the classes we offered. New Classes planned for next year will be in blue



letter of the week

a more formal preschool time with kindermusic, phys ed, art...


Lower Elementary


Story of the World (Ancients)

Science (moms rotated around doing units


Story of the World (Middle Ages)



Upper Elementary


Science - various topics

Story of the World (Ancients)


Music Theory

Math Olympiad



Writing and literature



Middle School

Writing and Literature

Physical Science (We will not offer this next year)




Music Theory

Environmental Science (Envirothon team)

Life Science



High School

Writng and Literature

Biology with lab (We will not offer this next year)




Chemistry with Lab

Environmental Science (Envirothon team)

Music Theory


SAT prep

personal finance

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CURRENT grade 7-12 classes at our co-op:



- Drawing

- Calligraphy

- Ballroom Dance

- Understanding Movies: Intro to Film Analysis



- English Lit. & Comp: The Lord of the Rings (loosely based on Literary Lessons from the Lord of the Rings)

- Creative Writing (using NaNoWrMo materials)


Foreign Language

- Spanish (Elem. and Intermed. levels)

- French



- Apologia Physical Science labs


Social Studies

- U.S. Constitution



- How to Study the Bible

- Theology


Life Skills

- Advanced Sewing



PAST co-op class offerings for grade 7-12:


Life Skills

- Study Skills

- Public Speaking

- Debate Team

- Personal Finance (Dave Ramsey's Foundations of Personal Finance; Crown Ministry; Larry Burkett materials)



- Shakespeare (appreciation AND put on a play)

- Jewelry Making

- Irish Dance

- Musical Theater (from a college student who had participated in CYT)

- Guitar

- Choir



- high school Biology, Chemistry (both Apologia)


Foreign Language


- Latin


Social Studies

- Current Events



- Yearbook club (each week, they took pictures of the homeschool group's events, individual student photos, family photos, etc. and then at the co-op time assembled the pages)




- Mock Trial

- Model United Nations delegation

- Career Testing & Career Exploration

- Worldview (gr. 7-9 = Lightbearers / gr. 9-12 = Understanding the Times)

- FIRST Lego Robotics

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I took the upper kids this year at our co-op. The thing I found with them is that they still want the fun projects, but that they're old enough to collaborate. My entire guiding thought for class was that I wanted to do things that would be difficult to do at home alone. We did a book club (first semester: 3 different books with an emphasis on finding plot, protagonist/antagonist. Second semester: one book, culminating in a month-long project of creating a game to go with the book. Both semesters were full of weekly hands on activities, too) and then I taught math - semester of hands-on algebra and a semester of hands-on geometry.


Our co-op is enrichment/social time. Not really academic, with the exception of a few classes.

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