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Will someone talk to me about fish oil?


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What brand?

Why so much?


We take Carlson Norwegian Cod Liver Oil (the lemon-flavored liquid). In terms of dosing, justamouse's dosage of 4-6K is pretty standard. By thousands of units, I'm assuming she's referring to milligrams. A serving size of the CLO we use is 1 tsp., and that contains 4.6 g (or 4600 mg) of CLO. Both DS and I take the same amount.


We don't take it to lower cholesterol specifically, so that's why I didn't chime in when you initially posted this. I'm aware of the cholesterol lowering benefits, but we take it primarily for these other benefits:

- elevates/stabilizes mood (this is the primary reason I have DS take it - both he and I notice a difference when he doesn't)

- improves attention span (another biggie for DS)

- reduces inflammation throughout the body

- stabilizes blood sugar levels

- boosts immune system

- increases energy levels


There are other health benefits, but those are the ones that are most important to us.

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At age 20, my cholesterol was 220. The Physicians' Assistant that forced me to take the cholesterol test chastised me for such a high number, then said not a single word of what I could do to lower it. She said nothing about fruits, vegetables, limiting meats, and exercise. I was a healthy weight at that time.


Now I am 42. A few years ago, I had my cholesterol checked during a routine physical. I about fell off of the doctor's table when he told me how low it was. (Wayyyyyyyyy below 200. Maybe 160?) Oh, and I am 100 pounds overweight now.


In the meantime, I had started taking fish oil capsules because it is recommended by my favorite health guru. Now I know why.



Loverboy was tagged a year ago with high cholesterol. His doctor prescribed the fish oil capsules.


He had no change in his high cholesterol levels.


So now, he is on high-cholesterol medicine from big pharma.


The lesson: results for fish oil capsules may vary.

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My eye doctor recommended I take fish oil daily. I've settled into two omega-brite caps a day. Everything else gives me acid-reflux with a fishy berp :( . Dh takes Nordic Naturals from GNC. We both take them for vision and heart health. I can even tell a difference in my eyes if I miss a day or two.

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At age 20, my cholesterol was 220. The Physicians' Assistant that forced me to take the cholesterol test chastised me for such a high number, then said not a single word of what I could do to lower it. She said nothing about fruits, vegetables, limiting meats, and exercise. I was a healthy weight at that time.


Now I am 42. A few years ago, I had my cholesterol checked during a routine physical. I about fell off of the doctor's table when he told me how low it was. (Wayyyyyyyyy below 200. Maybe 160?) Oh, and I am 100 pounds overweight now.


In the meantime, I had started taking fish oil capsules because it is recommended by my favorite health guru. Now I know why.



Loverboy was tagged a year ago with high cholesterol. His doctor prescribed the fish oil capsules.


He had no change in his high cholesterol levels.


So now, he is on high-cholesterol medicine from big pharma.


The lesson: results for fish oil capsules may vary.


What brand are you using? Do you worry about mercury?

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I'd be wary of taking large amounts of fish oil unless it's done under a doctor's direction. It's a rather potent blood thinner.


My DH is on Lovaza, a prescription Omega 3 supplement. He battles high cholesterol and can't take statin drugs, so his cardiologist has him on a program that includes non-statin drugs, prescription-strength Niacin and Lovaza.

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