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iphone 4s or Samsung Galaxy S 3

Blessed with seven

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I use Hand Cent for SMS/MMS, but there are many texting apps available beyond stock.



I used Hand Cent on my old MyTouch. The MyTouch text messaging app was struggling with the amount of texts I had between one person. Hand Cent never had an issue. When I got my S3, I ended up not needing Hand Cent though. It handles the texts fine, and it looks a lot like Hand Cent did, with the bubbles and such. Looks exactly like an iPhone text, actually.


As far as apps go, I mostly use free Android apps, so using the same app between phone and tablet doesn't really matter much to me. I've paid for very few apps in general. I have an iPod Touch, and when I got an Android phone, I stopped using the iPod. I just like Android so much better. I find them to be the same as far as ease of use. They both have similar buttons to do similar operations. I prefer Swype over touch typing, so Android wins for me there.


I love the big screen on my S3. The Note would be TOO big for me - I want it to fit in my pocket. The S3 fits in my pocket easily. The screen is beautiful, resolution wise. For pictures and video, it automatically uploads to Google+ (Picasa Web) for me. I've never needed to put phone pics on my tablet, but if I did, I'd just navigate over to my Picasa account. No big deal. Or you can transfer to a computer via the cable and transfer to the tablet via the cable. I have an Android tablet, not an iPad.


Both devices handle google products well - syncing gmail, google calendar, etc. I never had a problem with that on my iPod or my Android phones/tablets.

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I have to say I don't get the giant phones. I know they're popular, but I want a phone to fit easily in my pocket. If I want a tablet I'll use a tablet but to me a phone should be light and portable enough that I don't mind carrying it around when I don't have my purse with me.




I have all those, and use Google Maps. I also have Google set as my search engine on Safari when I go to the web (as opposed to using an app) on my phone.




Ugh! I hate, hate, hate iTunes! Apple has always been known for being user friendly, but iTunes is the exception.


For us, it is because my dh has Internet access without paying more than our regular phone data plan. He doesn't have wifi at work, so he needs the data plan the large phone has. He watches Netflix more than he ever uses it as a phone.

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Welp....I just ordered a case off ebay for an iphone 4s. I got to talking to the apple lady as I had questions about my ipad and while I am just learning it I think it would be best for me to have a similar device as my phone so I am not trying to figure out two different things AND I really want to be able to easily take pictures and put them on my ipad etc..etc.. We have been having a lot of fun with the ipad soooo. I figure I will give it a go and in two years I can try a Galaxy or whatever there happens to be then..ha!


Thank you all so much for your input!! I still hate itunes, not sure why, it just always seems so complicated but, I will figure it out I guess. I am so used to dealing with amazon for music, movies etc..it is all so EASY.

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Soooo...what case did you get? I have a plethora of iPhone cases. My husband does not understand, but, for me, they are kind of like shoes or purses ;) I get mine on Amazon usually btw.


I have 2 Trident Kraken cases (red and electric blue) for the iPhone 4. I have a pink and white Groffin Survivor on my 5. Love love love the case, but the camera flap is a ginormous PITA.

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What was the problem? I don't typically have iTunes issues, nor have I in the past. Now, when I gave dd my old phone to use as an iPod and we had to back her old iPod up to a new computer to transfer her music....that was an ordeal :p


I have a lot of amazon apps on my phone - cloud player, streaming.... You could get around iTunes that way I suppose. You'd still need the App Store, but I find it easy to navigate.


Honestly, I rarely ever use iTunes. I ripped a bunch of CDs once and that was that LOL

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Eldest has the original Galaxy. The first one worked (she had it about a year) until ds knocked it out of her hand and the screen shattered. We had insurance, but they send you refurbished. She has been through five phones. They have had various problems like the screen flickering and/or graying out, the camera stops working, it randomly starts turning itself off, it will no longer charge (even with a new battery), etc. Dh and I both have had iPhone 3GS phones (which we carried from the time they first came out until last Christmas) and now we have the 5s, and we have never had a single problem with them.


I don't have a problem using iTunes. We have multiple apple devices around here. I do agree that it is annoying to transfer music out of iTunes. For example, I recently made a slideshow and had to make a CD with the playlist, then rip it using a program other than iTunes. It was a pain, but not *that* big of a pain.

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I love my galaxy s2. When I went in to get it I wanted an iPhone. The techy guy said that one of the best differences between the two is that iphone/pad charges for most apps. were samsung/google does not! Just a tiny bit to add. :)



I don't get this. Maybe he just wanted to sell you the Galaxy for some reason. There are a ton of free apps for iPhones. Most of the ones I use every day are free. Most of the ones I paid for are also paid apps for Android.


Soooo...what case did you get? I have a plethora of iPhone cases. My husband does not understand, but, for me, they are kind of like shoes or purses ;) I get mine on Amazon usually btw.


I have 2 Trident Kraken cases (red and electric blue) for the iPhone 4. I have a pink and white Groffin Survivor on my 5. Love love love the case, but the camera flap is a ginormous PITA.



Thank you for putting that into words. :D I really couldn't explain why I like to keep getting cases. I'm no longer a shoe lover, but I do always crave another purse.


I have 2 Otterbox cases and 3 Griffin ones of various colors. I have another purple case but I don't know the maker and don't feel like getting up to check.


What was the problem? I don't typically have iTunes issues, nor have I in the past. Now, when I gave dd my old phone to use as an iPod and we had to back her old iPod up to a new computer to transfer her music....that was an ordeal :p




This is the problem with iTunes. Anytime one of us gets a new computer or new phone, we have trouble syncing our iTunes accounts between the computer and the phone. We each have our own iTunes account and don't have sharing turned on. Right now ds can't plug his phone into his new computer because it wants to take his songs and apps off the phone (he buys most right from the phone). Everything disappeared from his phone, and though he was able to get it back, he can't ever sync with his computer. We have tried everything to figure out why stuff he bought on his account on his phone isn't there on his account on his computer. It's extremely frustrating, and we are tech savvy.

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I don't get this. Maybe he just wanted to sell you the Galaxy for some reason. There are a ton of free apps for iPhones. Most of the ones I use every day are free. Most of the ones I paid for are also paid apps for Android.




Thank you for putting that into words. :D I really couldn't explain why I like to keep getting cases. I'm no longer a shoe lover, but I do always crave another purse.


I have 2 Otterbox cases and 3 Griffin ones of various colors. I have another purple case but I don't know the maker and don't feel like getting up to check.




This is the problem with iTunes. Anytime one of us gets a new computer or new phone, we have trouble syncing our iTunes accounts between the computer and the phone. We each have our own iTunes account and don't have sharing turned on. Right now ds can't plug his phone into his new computer because it wants to take his songs and apps off the phone (he buys most right from the phone). Everything disappeared from his phone, and though he was able to get it back, he can't ever sync with his computer. We have tried everything to figure out why stuff he bought on his account on his phone isn't there on his account on his computer. It's extremely frustrating, and we are tech savvy.


Switch to manual syncing so that it doesn't sync automatically. There is a check box (maybe it pops up at some point?) somewhere that asks if you want to transfer purchases from the phone to the iTunes account. That is what you need to do. My computer is already packed up or I would walk through it for you.

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Switch to manual syncing so that it doesn't sync automatically. There is a check box (maybe it pops up at some point?) somewhere that asks if you want to transfer purchases from the phone to the iTunes account. That is what you need to do. My computer is already packed up or I would walk through it for you.


Thanks. He's done that. What frustrates him is that he has to do that.

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DH has had a few different android phones over the past 5ish years, his latest being the Galaxy S3. I have hated each and every one of them.


When I made the leap from dumbphone to smartphone this winter, Android was not even in the running. They are NOT intuitive and user friendly at all!!


I have an iPhone 4S.


Of course, I also refuse to support or operate any Microsoft (windows) based computers ever again, either.


Therefore, I may be referred to as an Apple snob. All I know is that when dealing with electronics, my life is WAY less stressful than my husband figuring out exactly why and what is draining is battery within 30 minutes of a full charge - for the 5th time - each time it's a different "update" that screws something new up, or my Mom when she calls to ask me a computer question and my standard answer is "get a Mac". :laugh:

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one thing most people never consider when getting a phone - what happens if it gets wet. Mine fell out of my pocket and it rained heavily before I noticed. I found it the next day, but the phone was wet. I did lot of research online on what to do with a wet phone. I repeatedly read how the iphones can't be taken apart to be dried out, and many iphone users were angry. (apple is paying out on a class-action lawsuit on this issue). My Samsung galaxy nexus was able to be dismantled, dried out, put back together and charged. it works fine. I bought mine from Costco - saved about $100 because it wasn't preloaded with TONS of apps I'd never used. It does come with some, but I'd rather chose what I have.


I just got a smartphone and choose a Samsung Rugby. You can stick it 30 feet underwater for a good half an hour or carry it around in a dust storm. :D It's not HD or as fast as the latest Samsung phones but my husband suggested it because we have a toddler that liked to use our tablet to the point that I can't charge it because of bent pins in the connector. :( Or so I though, he later admitted that he thinks I'm rather hard on phones myself and thought it might be a good choice.


I don't know what he's talking about. I only sent the last phone through the washer three times.


Anyhow, I totally love my rugged little Samsung. Much better then a tablet.

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Wow..this is kinda funny! Well....you all have been so helpful, want to switch to an otterbox conversation? I bought Otterbox for my iphone 4 s that i AM getting, can't wait till he runs the payment for it so I can be done..ha! I have an otterbox for my ipad 3 and HOW FRUSTRATING. By the end of the day it will barley swipe correct because of all the rainbow looking stuff under the otterbox screen protector? What is that, paid $55 hoping it would protect my ipad but I need to be able to use it and wow, taking the case off and on to wipe it out is a PAIN!!!

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I have the Samsung Galaxy Note. I went from having an iPhone 3S. My husband and I have had the same phones. We both don't really like the Samsung Note. I switched because iTunes is a pain, and we were tired of waiting for the upgraded iPhone (came out 6 months after our purchase). However, I think iTunes runs smoother for those who have Apple computers.


The iPhone just runs smoother. If you aren't going to HACK your phone, I vote for the iPhone. It just runs smoother and is easi to use. I have AT&T, so our voicemail is stupid on the android. It doesn't separate the voicemails like the iPhone does unless you use another app. My husband was using Google Voicemail, but he was missing notifications and all voicemails were not showing up, so I just took the app off and he has to call in and hear "You have 3 messages..." and then listen to them one by one vs. only listening to what you want. I quit using Google Voicemail too and now use YouMail, which is working ok.


You can do a lot of the same things with an android as you can the iPhone, but there are just more steps, and it doesn't always go as smooth. I.e, changing brightness

iPhone: touch settings app...then BRIGHTNESS and change

Android: touch Settings button, Display, Brightness and change

It is one more touch, but when I am trying to change it and it is bright outside, it is annoying. I believe some new samsungs have a brightness button at the top.


Pro's of iPhone

1. Easier to use, runs smoother

2. Email syncs quicker, typing emails is easier (sometimes my android phone won't actually type, or is seriously delayed)

3. Keyboard is more user friendly the way it is setup

4. You have the Apple store to help you out if your phone is being wacky, or if you break our screen or something, they may let you buy a new one for 1/2 price. You won't get that with the android.

5. Some apps just work better on the Apple products. I.e. my husband prefers to read USA Today on the Apple

6. Voicemail is better

7. Notifications for an app show up as a small number on the app, so you can look at your screen and see what apps need attention. The notification on the android is annoying and not always easy to see what needs attention. For me, anyways. It is at the top vs on each individual app

8. Siri

9. Shutting down apps so they aren't running in background is a lot easier

10. Texting other iPhones is FREE! I pay $5 for 200 texts a month. If I had an iPhone, I would never go over that number because a lot of my friends that I text have iPhones.

11. I think the camera on the iPhone is easier and better. When I zoom on the android, the picture looks grainy. Plus, when it clicks and shows you the picture taken, the android actually takes the picture right after showing you that snapshot. Hate that.

12. Google maps gives 3 options for directions vs 1 for android. The android has free navigation, but my friends who have the iPhone 5 or upgraded their software now have navigation free...a voice telling you when to turn. Google maps is one of my most used apps.



ITunes and syncing are annoying. I have wasted hours I can't get back doing that...it would erase everything off my phone, put it one, erase it...


Pros of the android

1. Moving music on it is so easy

2. TinyShark app...which is no longer available. I can stream any song I want for free, butit doesn't always run smooth. Apple would never have that.

3. Widgets...allowing you to see some info quick...I.e. a 1.5"x2" area that shows weather, calendar info, clock, etc...quick info on some apps. This will make your battery die quicker if you use a lot of them. I had to deactivate the Facebook widget. It sucked my battery dry.

4. Screen size is nice, but it doesn't fit in my pocket nice. I will welcome a smaller phone when we change back to the iPhone in Oct.

5. I really like the pen that comes with the note, but I dont use it much



1. There are more steps to complete same thing

2. Voicemail (for AT&T subscribers anyways). need app to do same thing as iPhone/separating voicemails, not always reliable apps

3. Email doesn't sync as quick, email app doesn't run as smooth

4. More steps when making a call...call sometimes says "number not registered on network" and will not make the call right away. iPhone NEVER did that.

5. Shutting down background apps/apps opened and still running is harder. Seriously, lots more steps on that one

6. No android store to help you out.

7. It is not free to text other android users.

8. Camera not as good.


I had an iTouch that got washed in the washer. I put it in rice for 5 days and it worked for 18 months after that. So getting your iPhone wet is not a deal breaker.


I use my old iPhone to check email than I do my android...if I am out and about, I check gmail using the Internet vs the app.


I don't like iTunes, but I can live with dealing with that to have a phone that just runs smoother all around.



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Vicki, Thank you for that detailed post! The order is placed, the vote is in.... iphone 4s it is. I am loving my ipad and I think that if I just get used to working with the itunes it will be good. Plus..I bought the Apple Care (which I think is silly...having to pay to ask for help for 2 years..but whatever) and everyone I have called has been very nice and very helpful so..that is a major bonus for me.


Any comments on otterbox cases and why they have the stuff under them or which cases are best to help protect ipad/iphone?

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I love the Otterbox case for my iPhone 5. I've had the phone and case for two months and have only had the "rainbow" issue once. I took the phone out and cleaned the inside of the screen protector and the phone screen with an eyeglass wipe and let them dry thoroughly before putting the phone back in the case. It was no big deal, although it certainly would be if it needed cleaning every day.

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I don't like the Otterbox cases because the screen is not as sensitive. I have a stick-on screen protector and a snap-on case from Threadless. It does the job for me. My kids are older and don't mess with my phone. My dh has an Otterbox, but he is often in the field and stuff where more bad things could happen to it.


This is the case I have for my iPad:



I don't have a screen protector on it.

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