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Singulair Withdrawal?

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I know there have been posts on here in the past about Singulair but I didn't see any dealing with possible withdrawal symptoms.


I've been on Singulair for years - at least 5. I have allergy-induced asthma but it's very minor as long as my allergies are controlled well. I used to take Allegra but switched to Singulair when it wasn't working as well during one of my bad seasons. I never felt like I had bad side effects while on it, although I did have trouble sleeping quite a bit, gained weight very easily, moody, cranky, etc. - mostly things I blamed on hitting perimenopause or just stress. I was on anti-depressants for anxiety for a little while last year.


Now, I stopped taking my Singulair about a week ago and I'm feeling very off. I feel very disconnected from things - like I'm not noticing obvious things going on around me (I almost rear-ended a car Friday night because I didn't notice it was braking) and feel kind of muffled. I'm also extremely moody, cranky, weepy, anxious - and I don't think it's the right time of month for any of that (and it's more extreme than I would usually be anyway). There are things going on right now that would make anyone feel a little anxious and stressed but this feels very different than even when I was on the anti-depressants. I also lost 5 pounds in the past week despite doing nothing else different.


A Google search seems to come up with mixed results. Some say there should be no withdrawal symptoms, others list similar to what I'm feeling. So, I'm wondering if anyone else has experience with withdrawal from Singulair, how long it took to go away, and if there was anything that helped in the meantime.

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My son has recently quit Singulair after quite a few years of use because he has been prescribed a stronger medication via inhaler. We haven't noticed any side effects. I have, however, heard of some people experiencing depression as a side effect of USE (not withdrawal). Have you asked your doctor about it? Elaine

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DS was on it for several years, and if I remember correctly he was very emotional and sensitive for about the first two weeks going off of it. Of course, we were getting off of it due to mood issues, so he'd obviously been having side effects, but they did seem exacerbated during "withdrawal."

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Singulair is a med that builds up in your system. My son was on it for a few years, and it took time to see the negative effects it was having on him-he was angry, moody, etc. It took about two weeks to work its way out of his system and for him to be like his old self.

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Looks like I have about another week and hopefully will be back to "normal".


I don't really want to go to my doctor. I'm hoping to find a new one soon (as soon as we get insurance back) since I really don't think he takes me seriously when I discuss problems with him. Plus, part of the reason I stopped taking the script was the cost (even the generic is $$$) and I don't have the money for a doctor visit and a bunch of tests or new scripts.


I'm not feeling any asthma symptoms at all and even my allergies aren't bad considering it's Spring.

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Looks like I have about another week and hopefully will be back to "normal".


I don't really want to go to my doctor. I'm hoping to find a new one soon (as soon as we get insurance back) since I really don't think he takes me seriously when I discuss problems with him. Plus, part of the reason I stopped taking the script was the cost (even the generic is $$$) and I don't have the money for a doctor visit and a bunch of tests or new scripts.


I'm not feeling any asthma symptoms at all and even my allergies aren't bad considering it's Spring.


Just hang in there then, each day has been a little better now. I'm nervous now that Spring is here, but hoping I can do without. It takes 4-6 weeks for your body to "recover" according to my doctor.

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IMO Spring is a bad time to quit a med like that.


I stop taking mine in the fall and start again in the spring. It is pretty expensive, I am surprised the price hasn't gone down much over the years. It seems like it is just as much as it was before there was a generic.




:iagree: Spring is not the ideal time, but the neurologist wants to see what happens to some of my symptoms without it. I've been on the class of drugs for so many years we no longer have a baseline. I have only been hospitalized for asthma once in that time, but the cost might end up being high if the neurologist is correct. This is the first time anyone has looked at this class of drugs for side effects so I'm not sure what to think.

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I would also agree that Spring is not the best time but our decision was made based on finances. Last time I refilled the generic was the same price as the brand, so it's definitely ridiculous. Fall is actually my worst time for allergies with Spring being second. I take the meds year round because I'm allergic to so many things (grass, trees, molds, mildews, dogs, cats, birds, rodents...).


Right now I'm taking nothing except an occasional Benedryl and things are fine. I'm going to give it a few weeks and see how things are going. If I feel better overall off the Singulair than on, and my allergies aren't too bad, I may just try Zyrtec, along with the Benedryl, if I need something.


I've only been in the ER once for the asthma and that was when I found out I had allergy-induced asthma. I've only used an inhaler once or twice in 10+ years, so I'm not worried about having a severe reaction. Probably the worst that will happen is a few days of severe stuffiness and a sore throat.

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:iagree: Spring is not the ideal time, but the neurologist wants to see what happens to some of my symptoms without it. I've been on the class of drugs for so many years we no longer have a baseline. I have only been hospitalized for asthma once in that time, but the cost might end up being high if the neurologist is correct. This is the first time anyone has looked at this class of drugs for side effects so I'm not sure what to think.



Melissa, may I ask about your neurologist? What is s/he looking for, symptom-wise? What are her/his thoughts on any long-term consequences of the side effects of Singulair, if you've discussed it? I am clear on most (some?) of the neuro symptoms (side effects) of Singulair, but I would be very interested in hearing your neuro's thoughts on whether they resolve quickly once off the med, or if they can have long-term effects. When DS got off of Singulair (after being on it for years, like you), most of his symptoms resolved. But he has odd recurrences every 6 mos or so. They seem a bit less this year, so maybe this is not part of Singulair, or maybe it's something else altogether, but we do wonder. FWIW, we've talked to other parents who have seen the same thing after their kids got off of Singulair after years of taking it. Would love to connect with you on that, and compare notes!

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Melissa, may I ask about your neurologist? What is s/he looking for, symptom-wise? What are her/his thoughts on any long-term consequences of the side effects of Singulair, if you've discussed it? I am clear on most (some?) of the neuro symptoms (side effects) of Singulair, but I would be very interested in hearing your neuro's thoughts on whether they resolve quickly once off the med, or if they can have long-term effects. When DS got off of Singulair (after being on it for years, like you), most of his symptoms resolved. But he has odd recurrences every 6 mos or so. They seem a bit less this year, so maybe this is not part of Singulair, or maybe it's something else altogether, but we do wonder. FWIW, we've talked to other parents who have seen the same thing after their kids got off of Singulair after years of taking it. Would love to connect with you on that, and compare notes!


I replied by PM. :)

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