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Photographs and Family - eeeehh - tell me your stories


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The only stories I could tell would be about certain relative's paparazzi-like obsession with taking photos (to the point of being not only rude, obnoxious and in-your-face, but dangerously distracting--e.g., toddlers falling in pools while said relative worries first about getting the shot and second about rescuing small child). It's so bad that I had to get firm and basically institute a camera/photo ban unless we were asked permission to have our/our kid's photos taken, and then limits had to be imposed. I enjoy family photos, but it was SO out of control that there was nothing enjoyable about it anymore. It had truly become a gross invasion of privacy.


But that's probably not the kind of story you were looking for. Lol. I'm just touchy about it right now because 1) we're expecting a new baby and I expect the excitement of that will trigger the 'paparazzi' at a time when I am least willing to deal with it, and 2) said relatives are now into social media and I'm going to have yet another talk with them, this time about posting photos of my kids all over the Internet.

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I'm an "older" baby in the family, so most of these folks I'm looking at are gone now- it's a little draining emotionally. It seems like every picture I look at I can remember 10 others which are lost now.


People borrowed (I use that term politely) photographs and they are gone now. I think it's different now with digitizing things.


I'm sure hoping my kids don't ever experience this.


What else is really weird? I'll share a picture of someone from the past and ten people jump up and say, "Oh, that's NOT him" - um, wha? Whatever.


The other thing is I have paused about eighteen million times wondering if anyone is ever going to care, our families are so different now in regard to either treasuring or trashing family history.


But hey, whatever. I did my part.

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Oh, now that is weird. I can't imagine *not* treasuring those memories. My mom and I have a lot of photos of her side of the family. It's a lot of fun to go through them, and yes, a lot of those people are gone now, but the stories behind those photos are always welcome. We've scanned and/or otherwise copied lots of them for other family members here and there. It's alway appreciated. I guess maybe we're all on the same page there.

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I'd give anything to have pictures of my deceased relatives. My DH has been trying to put together a family tree for many years now. He's managed to get pictures of a lot of his relatives and I think it will be wonderful for our children to have someday. My mom apparently wasn't sentimental because she didn't keep a lot of pictures from her life and the lives of her children (we had them, but she tossed most of everything). I have only a handful of pictures of myself from when I was younger. What's worse is I remember getting a camcorder when I was around 12 or 13. My sister and I loved using it and we took a lot of videos. My father had a stroke when I was 17 and he drastically changed after that (lost his speech ability, the use of his right hand, etc). One day my sister and I went through our family videos to find ones with our dad on it, pre-stroke, only to find out my mom had taped over them with Oprah, Jerry Springer...... When we confronted her about it she said she didn't have any other tapes to use to tape her shows. :cursing: So I barely remember what my dad sounded like before his stroke or how he acted, moved, etc. :(

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One of my grandmothers hates to have her photo taken. She's beautiful (everyone says so), but she says she looks awful in photos. What she doesn't get is that one day we will want our own grandchildren to see who our grandparents were.... There needs to be photos!

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just to encourage you, keep doing it. One of my favorite memories, and a project I am so so so glad I got to be a part of, was being around when my grandpa was making 50th wedding anniversary albums for his children. Quirky, yes, but in honor of his and my grandma's 50th wedding anniversary, he scanned in ALL their old photos, slides, etc. and made photo albums complete with typed up stories to go along with each. It was so very fun to listen to him reminisce and I am so grateful to know that my dad & aunt/uncle all have copies of this so we can share it with our kids and so on.


One of his stories was about a picture he took of the Colleseum in Rome. He went behind the "do not enter" area and got a really fantastic photo, but to do so, he wore a big hat and jacket and had my grandma carry a large purse. When he was done getting the photo, they stuffed his hat/jacket into her bag and just calmly walked away while the guards looked for the guy in the hat. His laughter and delight as he told this story was just a treasure.


Anyway, keep doing it. There will be someone who treasures this later.

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I am all for spreading multiple copies of family photos to many different households. An acquaintance of ours was the "repository" of his family's photos. Unfortunately, he had a house fire and all was lost. So dh and I have been scanning many of our family photos onto thumb drives and stashing them at various far flung family locations in an effort to preserve them for future generations.


Although my ancestors didn't have much to pass down, we do have many old family photos. I have one on my wall of my dd's great great great grandmother. We also have a couple of baby quilts made by her great great grandmother. I happened by MIL's house one day and saw a pile of trash being carried out to the street. I noticed a bit of fabric poking out and asked about it. She told me it was the baby quilts made by her grandmother. And she was pitching them!!! I rescued those in a heartbeat! Just goes to show that while some of us are sentimental about such things, others don't care at all.

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I'm the "photo girl" in both families. I love digiscrapping which just feeds the addiction. LOL


I usually put all the pictures on a disc with a # list with them. That saves some expenses. A few years ago, I sat down with one of my dh's older relatives and asked him to look through a couple albums with me. I quickly took notes on post-its and stuck them to the pages to come back later. It worked great! He was very receptive to helping. Most aren't.


My favorite pic from my dh's family is a picture of his grandad as a young man in a bar, with kids and adults around him holding a duck. A duck. He had this cheezy smile on his face. We finally learned the story from an uncle but I liked the picture better when the story was a mystery. :) I'll let you guess why he was holding a duck in bar with children present. It's more fun that way. Dh and I decided we're going to start taking pictures like this to leave for out kids to guess.

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