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I need a dungeon.


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ha! My 11 yo has said that for Language Arts today she want to write a persuasive essay to convince her dad to build a dungeon. And for art she is going to make a full color schematic of the house indicating where the dungeon would go and what it would look like!

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No trap door, but the new house has a basement that we lovingly call the DUNGEON. It's the kids' playroom, which *sounds* like it wouldn't work for dungeon-y effects, but it's actually better that way: I can send them w/out the guilt. :D

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I'd love one, but I live at VERY low altitude -- no basements, due to high water table.


Perhaps mine should instead be a torture chamber above the garage, complete with dungeon master I could summon to drag the offender off in chains....


I bet it'd go over great at Halloween!



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