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Nightmare with MIL

Jean in Newcastle

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Diabetes management is always a pain. Even for young healthy diabetics, it is a pain. You have to stick your fingers, sometimes multiple times, then figure out much to give in a shot, etc.


If the new pens are available to her and where you are, and she is not using one I would get one of those and slowly over time work out a level for her to take that won't let her blood sugar get so high nor allow it to drop to comma level either (and she may have been correct to want juice when it started to drop, you don't want her to drop much lower than she did and end up in the comma).

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Huge hugs. We're going through a similar issue with extended family here. Weekly checks on the pillboxes, including counting disposed of insulin pens (to get an idea of how many doses were missed) has been helpful. Surprisingly, in our situation, the spouse has been as much of a contributor to the bad dynamic as the diabetic. I'm glad the dr knew how to get in touch with your dh...

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Update: MIL is here at my home. It took an hour of gentle coaxing, allaying lots of fears, reminding her that we were getting her purse, her meds etc. etc. before we finally got her in the car. What really did the trick was pointing out that all the chairs and beds were gone and she no where to sit or rest at their house!


Where she really dug her heels in was eating. We got here about noon and all she had eaten all day was about 1/4 cup of coffee. And she was adamant that she wasn't going to eat anything. Dd made her a small omelet and I put a small amount of a green smoothie into a cup for her. I told her that she had to eat only 2 tbs. of food but it was non-negotiable. If she didn't, I'd have to take her to the hospital. The amazing thing was once she took a sip of smoothie, she all of a sudden discovered that she had an appetite after all and ate much more than I had said she had to eat.


We're hanging out here at my house. I have no idea where they are going to sleep tonight but assume it must be the new house since their bed was gone. I have no idea if I'm cooking for both of them tonight. I have no idea if the kids and I can go to our doctor's appointment in two hours or not. And I'm not sure about dd's swim lesson this afternoon. I'm getting "flexibility lessons". But it's all good.

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