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Pre Math Mammoth Math


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My daughter will be in kindergarten next year and I plan to use Math Mammoth with her by first grade. I'm not sure I want to start with MM 1 in K. Is

there a good option out there to lead into Math Mammoth? I kind of winged K with my son and don't want to do that again. I need the structure that a math

program provides.

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Singapore Essentials A & B are good K workbooks before MM. Book A is really easy and is more appropriate for pre-K.



This is exactly what we used before MM1. DS is technically only in K, but we did SE A last year in pre-school, and then did SE B the first semester this year and started MM1 the second semester. He's doing just fine in MM1. No problems here so far. He actually finds it annoying because he "knows" how to do it, "Mom!". Imagine a whining, annoyed 6-year-old saying that. He just wants to jump ahead. Today he opened up his notebook to a page that looked like more fun to him. It was at least 10 lessons ahead. Could he have done it? Probably, but I didn't let him. We just do the next thing. He's still a 6-year-old and in K though, so we don't do as much in a day as I did for Math with my older son when he was doing 1st grade math. Next year we'll kick it up. ;)

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Same boat here. My DD just turned 5 and will be in K next year. I read Maria Miller's advice about Kindergarten Math and I think my DD meets those "prerequisites", but I just don't want to start with 1st grade math yet. So I think my plan is to use the Singapore Essentials B and then start MM Level 1 when DD is ready for it.

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Speaking of Miquon~


I actually presented the first Miquon page (A-1) to my 3.75 year old daughter today. In about 20 minutes, before anyone else in the house was awake, we covered tally marks, she matched rods to the pictures, she wrote the corresponding numerals in each box, and colored the page. It was magical. She adored her first official lesson (we've been 'playing' with rods for a while) and asked multiple times today for more lessons. I think I'll limit her to one per day, so that it seems like a treat!


I agree that no program for K would be too rogue for me. I need more direction than that. Rosie & Miquon provide plenty!

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  • 2 weeks later...

We did a combination of things, which included starting out playing around with Miquon/c-rods (on Bill's suggestion), a little bit of MEP, then Right Start A. I actually intended to stick with Right Start, but it just wasn't my style. So we ditched it for Math Mammoth about halfway through this year (kindy; my son is 5). It was a seamless transition. I kept my Right Start materials and we still play games/use the manipulatives here and there.

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