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Once Upon A Time 3/17 possible spoilers


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The father is probably locked up somewhere like Belle was. She didn't let him go because he would tell about the town. No one would believe a child. I am not sure I like snow going all kinds of crazy, I did live the black spot on her heart and when Regina said she didn't have to do anything at all because Snow let the black in.

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The father is probably locked up somewhere like Belle was. She didn't let him go because he would tell about the town. No one would believe a child. I am not sure I like snow going all kinds of crazy, I did live the black spot on her heart and when Regina said she didn't have to do anything at all because Snow let the black in.


I wonder if he aged though? I wonder what Snow will do now though? I also do not really see why everyyone is making such a big deal though. At one point they were going to kill Regina and Snow stopped them so they believe in the death penalty so to speak.

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I wonder if he aged though? I wonder what Snow will do now though?


He should have aged. Henry did. I keep thinking that must be why he was so sure about the curse - he must have noticed he was the only kid in Storybrooke getting older and changing grades every year??


I also do not really see why everyyone is making such a big deal though. At one point they were going to kill Regina and Snow stopped them so they believe in the death penalty so to speak.


Yeah - Henry said "you were heroes" - well, kid, if you read fairy tales, the bad guy often gets his comeuppance at the hands of the hero(es). In fact, in some versions of Snow White I believe the Queen gets offed at the wedding (I think there's even more than one version as to how) and everyone cheers.

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He should have aged. Henry did. I keep thinking that must be why he was so sure about the curse - he must have noticed he was the only kid in Storybrooke getting older and changing grades every year??




Yeah - Henry said "you were heroes" - well, kid, if you read fairy tales, the bad guy often gets his comeuppance at the hands of the hero(es). In fact, in some versions of Snow White I believe the Queen gets offed at the wedding (I think there's even more than one version as to how) and everyone cheers.



How did Regina begin to explain that to him LOL!


I don't think her heart should be black for getting rid of evil and haven't we already saw Snow kill? In fairytale land with her bow and arrow?

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I think there is a difference between killing with your bow and arrow and using magic and trickery. One is upfront and usually done in a life and death situation. Snow tricked Regina into killing her mother. The trickery and maliciousness in the act caused the black spot.

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i was really annoyed that (ugg, awful with names - Henry's dad) didnt stick up for Henry saying that magic was the problem that was ruining his family - wasnt that Bae's point, too?!


i wonder about the dad . .he must have aged, i agree. idk, what would she have done with him? could she have sent him elsewhere? we wouldnt have this kid searching for him if he was dead, they only do things to further the plot, kwim?

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I felt like the writers are stalling. That episode made 0 progress. I'm tired of hearing Henry whine like matryoshka said the heroes are usually just as malicious and cruel.


I felt Regina's change of heart toward her mother was out of left field. Now for her to want revenge when her mother was supposed to be dead by her order to begin with?? Eh, if they don't turn the plot around soon I'm probably going to give up on the show.


I agree the preview made the fiancee look like she's in on it too in some way. It'd be funny if she was tinkerbell since they hinted (or did they outright say it? I was a bit busy during that episode) that he spent time in neverland.

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I just got done watching it and I'm just....bleh! The *only* thing that I got out of this episode was that Regina is not a complicated character, no matter how much Mr. Gold tries to tell us otherwise - she's a sociopathic narcissist who is only worried about her own happiness and for the life of this show it won't ever change.

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