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Nausea at end of pregnancy


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I have about 3 weeks left until the end of my pregnancy and I am all of a sudden nauseated every day around lunch for the past 4 days. My stomach hurts, I feel like I am going to vomit and some times feel weak and shakey. I have an appointment on Monday so I will ask my doctor then, but wanted to see if anyone else has experienced this and if it is something I should call about now? It lasts for several hours then gradually fades away until the next day around noon. Eating does not help.

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Yes, I've experienced. I had it with my last pregnancy. I don't remember if I had it with any of the other 3, but definitely with my most recent. It was very frustrating and upsetting because I was so miserable in general and ready to be done. My OB told me that in the beginning (which lasted past 20 weeks for me...sigh), it's because of hormones. At the end, it is actually related to reflux and is because you have no space and everything is pushing up. Unfortunately, it's common. Hang in there! It won't be long now. Hugs!!

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I got terrible morning sickness at the end of my 4th pregnancy. I had it at the beginning of my pregnancy, but then it eased up in the middle of the second trimester. I was not expecting it to start back up again in the 9th month. It was awful . . . but . . . it was just morning sickness. It didn't go away until I gave birth. Are you feeling your baby move a lot? As long as your baby has good movement, it's probably okay to wait until Monday to get checked out.

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I was nauseated at least part of every day of my last pregnancy. I was never so glad to give birth... In your case, it sounds like it has arisen kind of suddenly so I would ask your doctor at your next visit about it. Maybe your gallbladder is unhappy? Just a guess...

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For the 2 pregnancies where I didn't have it all 9 months, it did come back right at the very end. I'm not a very big person and there isn't a ton of room for baby plus all my digestive organs. It was worse with my 1st pregnancy and less so with my 3rd (I presume because I was already pre-stretched).


If this is your 9th pregnancy, however, and you've never experienced anything like this in previous ones, I would call your OB about it. It's probably nothing, but better safe than sorry!

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