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Netflix.........what plan do you have??

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We have the 4 at a time unlimited plan. I then have a profile for myself, dh, oldest ds and dd. This way we each get a movie off our list and we don't have to make the kids send there's back right away. They are 9 and 6.75 so they like to keep their movies for a week or so. When dh is on deployment I either take his movie for myself if there's a lot I'd like to see or get something for my 3 year old. We've been on this plan for about 3 years now and it's wonderful. We've watched so many things and my kids love getting "mail"

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We are going to get Netflix and I was wondernig which plan do you feel is the best?




I think the 3 out at a time plan is the best value. Of course, this depends on what your families TV style is. This fits our family of 8 very well. We always seem to have a movie handy when it comes to our family TV nights together.


I have a relative who does the 1 out at a time plan. But's its just him, he rarely has time to watch TV, and he says that plan fits him just right.



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We just got this. We are on the 8.99/ one at a time, unlimited instant watching plan. So far it's worked okay, because there are quite a few options for the kids online. But eventually we may go to the 2 at a time option, so the kids can have one and dh can have one. I rarely watch movies. I get movies from the library that I really want to see, but then never watch them.

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We do 3 at a time, but we could certainly just go with 2 at a time given the instant view feature. My kids love alot of the instant view stuff so they watch that at least once a week. I will probably switch back to the 2 plan (you can go back and forth, they just prorate the charge) when we resume schooling in a couple of weeks.

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We have the one at a time plan. It's worked well so far for our family. Oldest ds watches some online and I have watched a couple things online.


I agree that Netflix makes actually buying DVDs almost obsolete unless it's something you really love and will want to watch over and over. I love being able to get all sorts of movies I couldn't get from the library or rental stores, like German movies and obscure things. I plan to get Cirque du Soleil and the Sister Wendy art series soon.


I gave my sister a gift subscription for 3 months for her birthday. She loves it too. She is a widow and this way she can always have something on hand to watch when she has a chance.


At some point I would like to upgrade to 2 at a time but money is an issue. I wouldn't want to try to keep track of 6!

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