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Do you vacuum under your bed?

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I have hard wood floors under a sleigh bed, with an area rug under part of it. I also have dust allergies. Dust accumulates under there so darn quickly. But I have to have dh help me move the bed and the dresser in order to vacuum or mop under there. It is a total pain. But it bothers me to look at the dust. And if it gets bad enough, it makes me itchy and sneezy.


If I had a dust ruffle (bed skirt) then I couldn't see it, but it would still be there and I would still feel compelled to deal with it occasionally.


Any tips? Anyone in a similar situation?


I know it isn't that big of a deal, but once a month when dh and I do this project, I always think "there has to be a better way!"

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I do, but mine's easy because it's so high up.


Could you put all your furniture on those coasters that make it easy to move? Or is too much of the bed on the rug? I can move a bunch of my furniture around easily in my house and it makes it soooo much easier to clean under.



They are on coasters. I think part of the problem is that the room is so so small, there is nowhere to move anything. How often do you do it?

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One night about a month or so ago I was lying in bed trying to get to sleep when I felt something brush against my arm. Of course I thought it was my hair so I brushed it off with my hand and got situated again. A few seconds later, same sensation and same response. Then again. This time I flipped the light on and was greeted by a large brown bug. AAAAACCCCCKKKKK!!!!!!


The next day I vacuumed under the bed. I had ds19 lift the mattress and box spring, move all the under-the-bed storage boxes out and vacuum every little nook and cranny and then I had him vacuum again.


Other than that, I only vacuum under there once a year or so. My room is small and it is impossible to get under there without having to move stuff as described above. With a bad back, I just don't get it done that often.

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I'm impressed with your once-a-month efforts! I do it once a year in the early fall, right before the dust mites hatch. The rest of the year it's covered with a dust ruffle and the space is filled up with boxed items we rarely need. If the stuff weren't stored there, I'd use the Roomba.

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I mean I NEVER use the vacumn....I use a swiffer and I aim for once a month, but sometimes I am just having so much fun that I forget I have to clean!


What I meant to say is, I never use the vaumn under the bed because it's hardwood floors and I use the swiffer! I regularly use the vacumn on the carpet in my living room and den! Sheesh! I sound like a slob!

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I mean I NEVER use the vacumn....I use a swiffer and I aim for once a month, but sometimes I am just having so much fun that I forget I have to clean!



i should probably be more like this. I feel like I spend my life, cooking, shopping for food and cleaning the house. Don't you freak out when your mother comes to town or anything?

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i should probably be more like this. I feel like I spend my life, cooking, shopping for food and cleaning the house. Don't you freak out when your mother comes to town or anything?



But yes, I clean under the bed in teh guest room when she comes to town!

I do have a routine and I clean bathrooms and dust and all that every Friday. Everyone who knows me, knows that. I like to have the house under control so I can enjoy the weekend and go Treasure Hunting at Costco with my DH.


BUt clean under the beds!

Well, that's not high on my list.

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I use th sh-mop. It fits under the bed easily, and picks up dust. I do it because I am trying to control the dust in my room, not because I worry what it looks like. I plan to do it weekly...but actually it is more like once a month. If you really want to control dust you should have as little as possible under your bed, stuff collects dust, and really who is going to dust the stuff under the bed.

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