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You're looking through DVDs at the library...


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(the turnabout type of shelf), and no one else is around. As you're looking someone else comes along and becomes annoyed when you turn it to see more titles.

Silly rant, I know, but this keeps happening to me. Am I wrong to assume that since I was there first, it's no big deal for me to turn it?? One of the last times this happened, I said to the guy "I'm going to turn it, okay?", he huffed and puffed. It was a bit of a scene.


We're very close to a library, so I'm in there almost everyday. I wouldn't bother to ask if this just happened once or twice. What do you think? Am I being rude? If someone else is there first, I wait for them to turn it to check out the next row of movies.

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When I'm looking at a spinning rack and someone else starts looking there, too, I usually walk around it to see more titles, rather than spinning it.



Unfortunately these are up against a wall. There's even more than one rack, but people seem to gravitate to one. Why... I don't know.

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I would wait, but people at our library wouldn't either. I've even had people keep getting closer and closer, trying to literally shove me out of the way. Very rude! I don't think people care much about manners anymore and it doesn't matter if the person is 8 or 80.

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I'd make a joke about it or something. . . like, hey, they should hand out numbers here like at at the deli or hey, the library should put up a sign 'queue starts here'! Then I'd say something like, I'll be done in a minute, then you can take over.


I've never had anyone be rude to me at this type of shelves though. I feel lucky!

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