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Oh Great Hive Mind, I need your input here...

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My dd received an invitation (actually it was addressed to "The Parents of...") from the "People to People International" from the Senior Admissions Director. To me at first glance this smacks of junk mail, but, of course, my dd read it and became really excited thinking of all the places she might travel.


So, my questions, O Great Hive Mind, are these: Is this organization real? And will it cost me an arm and a leg to do this if it is real? Anybody on the board had their child participate?


Here's their website: http://www.studentambassadors.org


Thanks in advance for any info.

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I'm an editor for a homeschool association and I remember an item in one of our newsletters about this but can't seem to find it. I did find a mention of it in our annual Homeschool Graduation program.


When you get to the page I linked to click on the link. It is a pdf document that will open up on your desktop or your internet downloads. Go to page 15 and look at the entry for Edward Phillips, Jr. (Jay). It looks legit from the looks of this.


In the meantime I will try to find the item that was mentioned in the newsletter as confirmation.

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My son just received the same letter last week. I did a quick google search using the organization's name followed by the word legitimate. I then threw the letter away. It sounds like nothing more than an expensive sight seeing tour, and if I really wanted that for my son, I think I could find a better deal. Just my thoughts.

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We've gotten these, along with numerous other prestigious looking invitations. Although I'm sure they provide "neat" experiences for the kids, they are a business designed to make money. If you're willing to pay the cost, go for it. But, trust me, they're not as exclusive as they sound.

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I'm considering it, but leaning against it. Anybody who advertises great trips with no other details (e.g. $$$$) is already shady.


My dd still wants more info so I've had her email them. If they reply, great, we can make an informed decision. If not, then I'm not going to their "invitational" at some hotel. It sounds like one of those 'come stay at our new timeshares free and listen to our sales pitch' kind of things.


Thanks again ladies for your replies. I knew some of you would be familiar with this organization. I just wish I knew where they were getting my dd's name and address. I wonder is SAT organization sales their info to people other than colleges/universities?

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It is legit. But very expensive. My daughter was selected because her soccer coach recommeded her. It sounded wonderful....and we know kids who have gone....but she was only 12 and parents are not allowed to go EVEN on their own dime. Sorry but my kiddo is not going halfway around the world without me at age 12.

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We just got an invitation for next summer, too. I know a girl who went to St. Petersburg last year and LOVED it. Her mother speaks very highly of the experience. We're going to at least attend the event and listen to those who have been involved with it. (My son has always wanted to go to Australia and New Zealand, next year's destinations, so it's very interesting to us all!)

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