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How much time does your 5th grader

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Ahhhh, independent work! the mantra we all chant, looking to that idyllic future . . .


sorry, I'm back.


It really comes and goes. I will say that with math, she is more independent this year - I will get her started on a lesson and then be around to help if she has trouble (with MM). She does LOF & Khan academy independently. She still has a hard time tackling harder problem solving stuff on her own - she can do it, but needs me around for reassurance, I think? or to reread the instructions to her, or something? I can't quite figure it out, she can do the work, but if I assign it to do when I'm not here, she falls apart.


History has become independent - the reading and outlining, and then we discuss.


Science we have a mix - we do SOS-Aristotle together, and she does Entomology & Equine Science independently.


Writing with WWS is pretty independent, though I do go through the instructions with her to make sure she has, like, read them . . . The rest of LA we do together by choice, we use MCT.


Reading of course is independent, except when I choose to read something aloud for lit - we're doing Huck Finn together right now.


We're at the point where I can assign her a list of work to do on Fridays when I'm working, and it gets done. Or if I have to go to a meeting or something, I can assign her a couple of hours of work and it gets done. But she's definitely not "working independently" in the way I fantasize about it! But, she is more independent now than she was a year ago, and while progress in not linear, I think it's a good thing.


I wish I was seeing more self-directed, interest led stuff. She is happy to do what I assign, but when I try and be more non-directive (i.e. pick a topic to write about, pick something interesting to explore for a science fair project) she kind of flails. Oh well, hopefully it will come.

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What about girls? My daughter just turned 9, but she will be 5th grade next year as well. She already seems to be getting hormonal. (We just bought her The Feelings Book last night.) When do I have to start worrying about it really affecting her school work?



About now, apparently!


Seriously, for us it really started about when she turned 10. She has great days, and days when I feel certain that aliens have absconded with her brain during the night. And the emotions are just below the surface, ready to erupt at any moment. It takes a lot of calm, deep breaths, self control, and maturity - on my part - to deal with "those" days.

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About now, apparently!


Seriously, for us it really started about when she turned 10. She has great days, and days when I feel certain that aliens have absconded with her brain during the night. And the emotions are just below the surface, ready to erupt at any moment. It takes a lot of calm, deep breaths, self control, and maturity - on my part - to deal with "those" days.



Yes, I know what you mean. Of course, this is the child who is gifted, and therefore, more emotional on a normal day. She still has the occasional tantrum, so I'm quite fearful for when the hormones really start kicking in!


Fortunately, she does work pretty independently on most days, so maybe that will stick around for the most part.

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I have gotten rid of a lot of "stuff" from our schedule over the years. So we are on the shorter end, about 2-4hours depending on History/Science.

Math takes 30 minutes to 1 hour (although with TT we do 2 lessons in 30 minutes!)

Lang. Arts (Spelling, Grammar, Writing, Reading) about 90 minutes.

History and Science have been a class once a week with some at home reading and activities.... maybe 3-4 hours a week. Thats over now since we're moving next week. Not really a big deal, I was the teacher and have all the curriculum so we'll just continue on with it.

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Depends on the hormones that day ;-)






This. Some days my kids (4th/5th and 6th grade) will still be doing school at 4 in the afternoon and complaining about it. Some days they are done at 10 or 11 in the morning. Missouri requires that you count hours. I hate that. Their most productive and inspired days count for less toward our total? :confused1:

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Four hours, including readalouds -- IF she's staying on task and not dawdling. Math might take 30 minutes, or it might take a couple of hours. Latin depends -- some lessons are a lot of translating, which takes a while, and other lessons are easier and faster because they're matching or simply introducing new vocabulary. And so on.

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