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Anyone ever had a 4 year old in CC?


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Trying to decide what to do with my youngest next year. A nursery will be available, but there will also be a K4 Foundations class. He is fairly bright. He is 3 right now (he will be four in 3 months). He can write his name, knows most of his letters and writes a few of them, can count to fifty, can match a written number with a card including that many object (up to 20), he can communicate pretty good, but he is pretty quiet in groups.


Any thoughts? I am open to all thoughts: the good, the bad, and the ugly :)

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A lot will depend on the tutor. Generally they don't expect a lot of academic skills at that age, but it can be a long morning for a 4 y.o. If the tutor is good at keeping them busy and happy, it will go quickly. If the tutor expects them to sit quietly for long periods of time and such...it may be misery.


When I was a Foundations tutor, that was the only age I never did. I'm just not an early elementary person (other than my own).

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I had my 4 year old in CC with a very good tutor who knew how to work with that age. She didn't make them sit for long periods of time and got them up and moving. My daughter is of the very wiggly version. Her class got used to her being under the table, sitting in the window frame or just not paying attention (quietly- she was never totally disruptful). It sounds like your son may be ok, but not every 4 year old should be in these classes regardless of what CC says. Some really are just not ready.


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Generally the tutor for that age likes the little ones and is very good at coming up with fun ideas for them. Regardless of how much they retain the first year they will absorb enough that the second time through it will be easier for them. I think even a 3 year old can enjoy most of the CC class as mine have when tagging along in the 4 year old/5 year old class. They generally love being there with their friends and the range of academic ability and readiness is varied so they don't expect them to "know" anything at that point. My advice: start them early and keep them in. You may not see the big picture right away but if you keep them in when they are older you will be really glad you did. Most of the moms I know who didn't know about CC or left CC when their kids were young and came back wish they had known about it or stayed with it. CC also is incredibly helpful for moms as they learn how to homeschool and gain insight and wisdom from other moms educating classically....

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My oldest did CC last year as a 4 year old and I was his tutor. He didn't retain anything, but he had a good time. I am tutoring his class again this year (4s & 5s) and I try to have a lot of fun, but some of the kids still have a hard time staying with me for the 3 hrs, especially during science project and tin whistle. I'll have a 4 year old again in the fall, and I am undecided if I will put him in a class or leave him with grandma. He is very wiggly and unless he matures a lot in the next 6 months, I think it would be a struggle for him. If your child can write, count, and sit still, then I think he would do fine at CC. Every child is different and you know your child best!

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