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Breastfeeding is the equivalent of.....


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Sadly I have heard this many many times. I have also heard yung girls tell me how gross and disgusting it is that women have to use a baby to have an exuse to show off their t!ts. All my kiddos were nursed I have no issue with it at all but some of the ads and things women are doing is gross in my opinion. I once saw a woman in a mall shirt pulled up to her neck both boobs hanging out baby latched on one side while he was rubbing the other side. My kids don't need to see that. No one needs to see that.


That is not helping to support breastfeeding at all in my opinion. I can see how some young girls are totally sickened by behaviors like that.



A story like this always comes up on breastfeeding threads- usually a bfing in public thread. But I have never seen this, not once. If they, or you, are sickened by that, then they should also be sickened by most of popular culture and advertising. I would find it less offensive to see a mom's breasts who is breastfeeding, even if she could cover up more, than I do seeing women's breasts on display everywhere because so many women have bought into the idea that power, for a woman, is about objectifying herself and her body.

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I didn't ridicule her. I was just shocked at what she said. Leaving my personal opinions at the door is something I try to do for every class. It is why I didn't respond to her right away. I am sorry if everyone thinks ridicule was the reason for my post. That is not at all what I intended.



I didn't think you were ridiculing her at all and see nothing wrong with your post.

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If self-gratification was a painful as breastfeeding can be, particularly in the first few weeks, no one would do it. Latching on felt like using a staple gun on myself. Don't even get me started on cracked & bleeding n*pples, plugged ducts or mastitis. I nursed all four kids for about two years each and it hurt like crazy for the first 6-8 weeks every. single. time.


Amber in SJ

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what ethnic group does she belong to? I'm aware there are some ethnic groups with low breastfeeding rates because they consider the breast purely a sexual object.


I don't mean to call you out here, but which ethnic groups? Out of all the people my age who have had babies, the white mothers have been the group least likely to breastfeed. The people I know are an admittedly small sample, of course.

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A story like this always comes up on breastfeeding threads- usually a bfing in public thread. But I have never seen this, not once. If they, or you, are sickened by that, then they should also be sickened by most of popular culture and advertising. I would find it less offensive to see a mom's breasts who is breastfeeding, even if she could cover up more, than I do seeing women's breasts on display everywhere because so many women have bought into the idea that power, for a woman, is about objectifying herself and her body.



I don't wanna see anyones breasts for the record. I don't care what they are doing with them. I don't wanna see the porno queen all over the internet or the mom who can't cover up. I believe your breasts are a private part of your body. You can feed your baby anywhere I sure did but no one ever had to look at my private parts to do so. Breastfeeding is awesome and not sexual in any matter at all. That being said if I wanted to look at boobs I have my own. I don't wanna see yours for any reason. I have seen women in stores with it all hanging out for the baby to eat. There is no reason for that. You can nurse and be respectful, I know this because I was.

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Whenever a story surfaces in the news that a woman was asked to stop nursing in public, etc. there are always comments in the comment section stating that if people can't urinate, defecate, masturbate, or have s#x in public, and those things are "natural," then why can women BF in public. Hmmm...maybe because the other things don't confer a public health benefit. But every. single. time. those stories pop up, there are tons of comments about the comparisons to defecation, urination, masturbation, etc. as if they are truly equivalent because they are "natural." Great logic.

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I don't wanna see anyones breasts for the record. I don't care what they are doing with them. I don't wanna see the porno queen all over the internet or the mom who can't cover up. I believe your breasts are a private part of your body. You can feed your baby anywhere I sure did but no one ever had to look at my private parts to do so. Breastfeeding is awesome and not sexual in any matter at all. That being said if I wanted to look at boobs I have my own. I don't wanna see yours for any reason. I have seen women in stores with it all hanging out for the baby to eat. There is no reason for that. You can nurse and be respectful, I know this because I was.



My point was that we live in a society where breasts hanging out are considered appropriate, if it's a model selling something, or a singer performing at the half-time show. Or worse, now it's considered a sign of "power." You said earlier that you know girls who say women breastfeed for a chance to "show off their tits", and you can't blame them for being disgusted when you see women everywhere breastfeeding with their boobs hanging out. I think that's a misplaced argument that detracts from the real issue. And the real issue is that in our culture, a woman doesn't need an excuse to show off her breasts. It's considered completely acceptable, if it's about being sexual and using your body to gain "power" or attention. But seeing someone's breasts who is feeding her baby is disresepctful? Breastfeeding is not sexual.

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