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Anyone following HOD's Sneak Peaks for the new Geography guide?

Michelle My Bell

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We have been using HOD since the CTC guide for one of my daughters and it has been very successful here. I have to say that as a Charlotte Mason devotee and textbook hater, I am NOT happy about Carries plans to use BJU's Fundamentals of Literature. How can HOD call themselves a Charlotte Mason program with a dry textbook scheduled in? Oh, I read her reasons but I still feel like it leaves me with two options... use it as is and hope that this extremely expensive textbook designed for classroom use is worthwhile or completely plan something else and add a huge load to my already packed lesson plans.


As far as the other sneak peaks go...


Science - happy

Bible - unsure

Devotional Study - happy

Composition/Grammar - happy

Logic - happy

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I am. I'm surprised by it, but I remember reviews about it in the past being good. Remember though, its a program that you could use your own, so it wouldn't ever be a deal breaker for me.


We used BJU reading in the past. While I don't like the worksheet work, I've liked the questions and dd have enjoyed the readings. But still, I am a bit shocked. It's pretty hard to like every single thing in any program, so far I'm okay with it. I don't like the Bible study on Phil and will probably change out the one on Hebrews. I just think it's too boring to do this type of thing for this age. So no biggie, I'll change it out.


As far as price, HOD usually has excellent pricing. But I'd be apt to buy it used somewhere, perhaps www.usedhomeschoolbooks.com (second harvest) if it did me good on the program pricing.

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I was disappointed to see them choose the BJU textbook but I suppose I should reserve judgement until I see how Carrie is going to incorporate it. I've got plenty of time before I would use it with my 11yods.


I already tweak a lot of HOD to fit our family so I'm not sure exactly why this one is bothering me. I guess I was hoping that I would be able to use their high school as planned.


I may just stick with MFW high school . . . though I really don't like their third and fourth year history for the same reason . . the BJU textbooks. Why do CM-based companies depart from that model when they hit the high school years? I know that MFW says that the reason is that students need to prepare for college by reading textbooks but really all it did for my dd who used that program was make history dull and dry for her.

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I know that MFW says that the reason is that students need to prepare for college by reading textbooks but really all it did for my dd who used that program was make history dull and dry for her.


I don't take a lot of what MFW says without question.


That so far is the dumbest thing I've heard.

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I was disappointed to see them choose the BJU textbook but I suppose I should reserve judgement until I see how Carrie is going to incorporate it. I've got plenty of time before I would use it with my 11yods.

That's true. I was just so excited to see the plans for Lit because that is my favorite subject after History. I really hope when she releases the rest of the Lit info that she choose some really good books. BJU is just not my thing at all, and I really want my kids delving into some great Literature for Highschool. I already feel like I'm going to have to add in some good/great books that are missing from the 5-8th grade guides.

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I was disappointed to see them choose the BJU textbook but I suppose I should reserve judgement until I see how Carrie is going to incorporate it. I've got plenty of time before I would use it with my 11yods.


Unfortunately my daughter will be using his program this coming year.



I already tweak a lot of HOD to fit our family so I'm not sure exactly why this one is bothering me. I guess I was hoping that I would be able to use their high school as planned.


This is exactly what I was hoping for. I don't want to tweak at all.



I may just stick with MFW high school . . . though I really don't like their third and fourth year history for the same reason . . the BJU textbooks. Why do CM-based companies depart from that model when they hit the high school years? I know that MFW says that the reason is that students need to prepare for college by reading textbooks but really all it did for my dd who used that program was make history dull and dry for her.




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Hi Michelle,

I have been watching this with interest as well. My first reaction was like yours, but when I read what Carrie wrote, I understand more why they went the route they did. I think it will help to see what additional novels they are scheduling. Don't like textbooks either, but in this case this may have been the best option in order to have a great diversity of selections.


I will be interested to see the novels they are choosing.


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My first reaction was really not pretty. I was ranting and raving inside. Then I read what she wrote and felt a little better but I am still unhappy about it. Even more than the fact that it is a textbook is the fact that it cost around $135.00 just for this one componant. I am going to have to try to find it used and piece together the whole package. Not fun... This years package was so expensive I paid on it for 4 months before I had it paid off. I appreciate HOD, I really do but she doesn't have to pick the most expensive items out there. A Charlotte Mason education doesn't have to be expensive. I am only sticking with it because my daughter really likes it and is familiar with the activities and format.

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I'm not sure why you think it's $135.00. The text and TM are 116.67, which is alot, but you can find BJU used everywhere. I doubt she uses tests and all that other jazz. Is she using all components? I can't remember.


I think it looks pretty good actually. I usually try all HOD's recommendations then drop if they don't work. Pricey though, but not so bad used. I'm familiar with BJU and thought about using it for grade 7 literature, although the jury is still out.

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hoping this encourages a bit for when CM style of companies use a textbook...

My oldest likes BJU for history this year. It's the first time she's used any BJU. She's been liking it and it hasn't been dull for us this year. She has found it enjoyable to read. I guess combined with the other stuff, it's all good. I guess I'm not as total CM as I once was. But history is still a favorite in our house even with using it in mfw. mfw does say a lot more about why they went switched from notgrass to BJU, and says more about of their college prep model. Higher level textbooks was only one part of it. not the whole thing , but I digress from my real point of encouragement here....... just saying... don't discount what Carrie at HOD is doing just because a BJU textbook is involved. It may be more about how it is used.



I've been watching the hod sneak peak for geography. I'm still deciding if middle gal should continue with MFW in high school or try HOD or maybe even biblioplan. Then,... youngest??? they are just so different people from their oldest, so 9th grade geography package program did catch my eye......


not sure what I think on the PAC for science... mixed feelings.. but following my own advice and wanting to wait to see how Carrie uses it.

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yes, what do you think of them?



Well, I'm not super familiar with what should be read during high school since my high school literature experience was a joke, but I thought it looked pretty good. Definitely some titles that should be read during high school, IMO.


I do hate how she divides choices between "boy" and "girl" since I know that some of the boy choices I want my daughters to read and ditto for my son.


I do like how she's selecting novels to use after they have studied that section in the lit book so that will tie in nicely to what they've already learned. To be honest, I'm still not sure how I feel about the choice of a textbook to teach literature in high school. To me that is one subject that would lend itself very nicely to CM methods (as would the social sciences) all the way through school instead of having to textbook it.


What did you think?

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I love the boy/girl selection choices b/c it provides choices. I will probably read some from each, but I like that there is a choice. :) It also provides me the option to go through one set with my daughters and a different set with my son when it is his turn - allowing for me not to be as bored! :)

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I love the boy/girl selection choices b/c it provides choices. I will probably read some from each, but I like that there is a choice. :) It also provides me the option to go through one set with my daughters and a different set with my son when it is his turn - allowing for me not to be as bored! :)

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I do hate how she divides choices between "boy" and "girl" since I know that some of the boy choices I want my daughters to read and ditto for my son.


What did you think?


I liked it. Remember that you can pick and choose. But for decision sake it's easy for many to just choose between boy/girl interests. I like that she's going back and forth between this and BJU and I think it'll make for a nice balance. I also love the common place book entry. I'm always interested to see what my dd writes and it's quite a window into her soul.

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I am just now returning to the HOD boards to look at my daughter's next year with HOD. I will now watch this thread with interest too. Dd is just finishing RtReform. It took her a long time but the quality was there. I guess I was thinking that because she was using the extention that she would pass on a few of the upper levels. Maybe the Geography is a good one to skip. What will the one after Geography be? Has she said?

Thanks for the links.

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I am just now returning to the HOD boards to look at my daughter's next year with HOD. I will now watch this thread with interest too. Dd is just finishing RtReform. It took her a long time but the quality was there. I guess I was thinking that because she was using the extention that she would pass on a few of the upper levels. Maybe the Geography is a good one to skip. What will the one after Geography be? Has she said?

Thanks for the links.


Here is the plan.


AGES 13-15

(*extending to grades 10-11)

Geography Through History: A one-year program including geography through history, Bible, all areas of language arts, math and science options, and possibly electives
AGES 14-16

(extending to grades 11-12)

World History: A one-year program including world history, Bible, all areas of language arts, math and science options, and possibly electives
AGES 15-17

(extending to grade 12)

American History Up to 1900 and Government: A one-year program including American history up to 1900 and government, Bible, all areas of language arts, math and science options, and possibly electives
AGES 16-18

American History 1900 to Present and Economics/Personal Finance: A one-year program including American history from 1900 to present and economics/personal finance, Bible, all areas of language arts, math and science options, and possibly electives
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