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Sonlight question re middle school


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Hi- I have been homeschooling for just one year. I was originally interested in a box curriculum like SL but ended up using a more eclectic mix. I still wonder about SL for my oldest who will be in 7th grade this fall. Could someone tell me what the difference would be for him if I bought a SL package vs just having him read the books from that same package? He doesn't like being read to and can read much faster on his own anyway, so this would primarily be done by him independently.

Thanks for any input!!

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First I will say that having him read just the books is fine. I still read to my dc's but always have.


What SL does for me when I am actively working with them the schedules are great. I have designed several years of SL style learning for British and European history and I do love having the schedule but we really do not use the guides other than reference--the maps are helpful but google is quick too. It does go smoother with less stress with the schedule.


My dd is working on her own with Core 200. That core has a separate student guide which I do love. That and the schedule mean that she can easily work independently. I know Core 100 and up have the new student guides which you might find helpful.

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We haven't done Core 100. I just took a look at reading levels in an old SL curriculum guide (the old ones are easier to use IMO) and at a glance none of the books were rated at over a 7th grade reading level so I would probably use it.


The Hakim U.S. history books being such a substantial part of the core might be my main concern. We live in the UK but spend a couple of months in the US each year where our library carries the Hakim books. We tried one, neither child liked it. Personally I thought they were great but dc's made their feelings known and it is their education! I would definately try before you buy but those books are my main concern. There was a recent thread that I read a portion of and people either love or hate them. I can't search or link on my kindle so rry!


There once was an option where you could buy the core without the Hakim US history books which are very expensive. That seems to have gone away with the revision which improved the guides.


Sorry I can't give a more definate answer but if your ds wants to do that course I would try it.

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I believe you still can buy Core 100 with out the Hakim books but the option is a little tricky to find on the website (or at least that is what I have been told).


I have not done Core 100 yet but I know some folks who are doing it now or have done it recently. It can be done by an advanced 7th grader but I would say you might want to pre-read some of the books because the content might not be appropriate for your child (each parent needs to determine maturity level). As for the Hakim books, I like them them and look forward to using them. Every family is different so I would check out an excerpt from them to see if you think you would like to use them.

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I know some don't like the style the Hakim books are written in. Is that the main issue or is it also content? If so, do you know why?


If you weren't going to do Core 100 what other history options would you consider for a 7th grader?


Thanks everyone for your help!

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I know some don't like the style the Hakim books are written in. Is that the main issue or is it also content? If so, do you know why?


If you weren't going to do Core 100 what other history options would you consider for a 7th grader?


Thanks everyone for your help!


We aren't there yet, but I would consider Core G or even Core F or D+E for a 7th grader.


We've only done the earlier Cores (through D, although I've been pre-reading E this year in anticipating of starting that Core in the fall). But in my experience, the SL book selections tend to be "mature" for the ages they target, and if I am going to have my kids read them independently, I'd rather they be on the older end of the recommended age range for that Core. (I can't comment specifically on the Hakim books, because I haven't read them yet.)


My 10 year old is enjoying Core D this year, and I have handed him some of the books to read on his own. We plan to do Core E next year (he'll be in 6th grade and my DD will be in 4th). After that, I *think* will start him on Core G, doing it mostly independently, in 7th grade. (Not sure what I'm going to do with DD that year, but I'm planning to split them up at that point.)


If you've already done World History and are looking specifically for American history, you may consider Core D+E, perhaps adding additional books to beef it up a little bit.

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My 7th grader is doing Core H, the second half of world history, this year. The book selections are not too mature, and are not too hard to read for the most part. We haven't loved all of them, and dropped a few books, but I do like having it scheduled out for me. Next year I'm doing it on my own though. If you want to try it look at Core W.

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Thanks again for all the help. My problem is that he is doing a full World History this year (Abeka videos for grade 6). So it won't have been an intense study of any period, just a one year overview. So, that leave me not sure what to do with him for 7th. I borrowed the videos from a friend and he does actually really like them but I am not crazy about doing Abeka every year for history and would prefer a different viewpoint for next year.

Would you still just go ahead and have him do World History again, look for something that studies one time period in more depth, or move on to American History?

And any specific curriculum suggestions are appreciated too!

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What about just starting in with Core H? Is that even possible? I would rather he study some era in more depth rather than do another year overview.


We jumped in at H. WE had done Story of the World 1 and 2 before that, so it was a logical starting place for us. You could also look at the Eastern Hemisphere core, which might be fun and interesting. You could add some documentaries to it to beef it up if need be.

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He is doing World History now but it is a one year course covering it all. He said he would like to be able to go back and cover it in more depth. Do you think Core G/H would work ok for a student who does not want to be read to? He even asked me that just now while we were looking at the catalog. He saw the section called read alouds and said he hoped he could just read them to himself. The thing is that he reads so incredibly fast that listening to someone read really bothers him because it seems so slow.

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He is doing World History now but it is a one year course covering it all. He said he would like to be able to go back and cover it in more depth. Do you think Core G/H would work ok for a student who does not want to be read to? He even asked me that just now while we were looking at the catalog. He saw the section called read alouds and said he hoped he could just read them to himself. The thing is that he reads so incredibly fast that listening to someone read really bothers him because it seems so slow.


Yes, DD did G one year and is finishing a second year of H and 100 done chronologically for 7th grade. She reads so much she does these alongside TOG Y 4 Dialectic. I took Christy out of core 100, everything else has been fine. She reads everything to herself.


Hakim is a love or hate style of reading. My DD couldn't stand it. My other DD's don't mind it much but they are using it as part of TOG Upper Grammar for 4th grade.

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