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anyone familiar with Houston airport? connecting flight worries


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Just received a notice that our flights have been changed. We were supposed to have 90 minutes between flights, now we will have 53 minutes. Is this enough time to exit our plane and get from terminal A to terminal C??? Do you have to take a monorail thingy to transfer terminals? We are not familiar with Houston airport and I'm really nervous that we won't make our connecting flight. We purchased through Orbitz, can/should we try to change our connection?

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If you're worried, I know you can sometimes get them to change your second flight, especially if you can give them a reason (small children? and that it's really necessary for you to have at least an hour and a half between flights, and that's why you booked that specific flight in the first place?). We did that recently when our layover was changed to 45 minutes. I called them up and told them that my husband is disabled (even though he walks fairly well now) and that we really needed more time. They were happy to change it.


Otherwise, you can search "necessary layover time at Houston airport" or something like that online, and people will often post what the minimal time is to change. You can also look up a map of the Houston online and see how far apart the terminals are. I've made connections (don't remember which airports) with 45-minute layovers before, but for your peace of mind, it might be worth it to try and change it.


Lastly, sometimes if you tell the stewardess on your first flight that you have a short layover, they will let you get off first. Sometimes, but not always.

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I think you'll be fine regardless of which airport (Hobby is much smaller than IAH).


Is your connection with the same airline as your initial flight? They tend to do a good job of holding flights (for a reasonable time) till everybody is onboard.


You might check the airline's timetable online to see what flights would be available later than your scheduled connection, in case your first flight is delayed - it seems to me more flights are delayed these days whether from weather, mechanical problems, union issues....

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We came off an international flight and had to get through immigration and customs (along with the other 300 people on our flight) with only an 80 minute layover in Houston (the bigger airport) and then get from terminal E to terminal B. We managed to make it, barely. They were paging us to our second flight when we were still a terminal away. I made James Bond run ahead and tell them we were on our way. You shouldn't have any problems with 90 minutes. Just make sure you know where you're going (you can look up the airport layout online) and you should be fine.

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I assume you're talking about IAH (Hobby is tiny and connections are no problem) — 53 minutes might be tight if your first flight gets in late and you're at the back of the plane. Are both flights the same airline? If so, and you're running late, ask the flight attendant to let the other flight know that you're on your way.


ETA: I just looked at the terminal map and I'm guessing the flights are on two different airlines. I would probably try to change the second flight to allow more time. I've had more "close calls" at IAH than any other airport, and I always try to give myself more than an hour there. When we flew back from Greece last year, the guy at United was adamant that an hour was enough time to get off the plane, go through passport control, get our bags, go through customs, recheck our bags, go through security again, and catch our connecting flight. Um, no. I insisted on at least 2 hrs, and it was still really tight. The first flight he tried to put me on took off while we were still in line at customs. :glare:



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53 minutes would be cutting it really close if you're switching from terminal A to C. My dh flies in/out there frequently and he says it is very doable but plan on being on your feet and moving. He suggested for peace of mind what the above poster said.. about finding a later second flight.

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