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7th grade dd asking for formal Science curriculum.


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My 13 Yr old dd hears her school friends talk about what they they are learning in Science and now wants a formal Science curriculum. It is so late in the school year but we could extend the Science portion. Anybody have a suggestion besides the library. We live in a small rural area so our library is not exactly stellar. Something with a lesson plan? Open and go? Time4Learning does not have a 7th grade Science. We have a subscription to The Happy Scientist but find the website hard to navigate. Any MFW Science users?



Thank you.

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Try a unit -

Ellen McHenry - http://www.ellenjmchenrydownloads.com/

Moving Beyond The Page - http://www.movingbeyondthepage.com/curriculum/age11to13.aspx

Intellego - http://intellegounitstudies.com/

TOPS - http://www.topscience.org/


Or Mr. Q's free life science - http://www.eequalsmcq.com/ClassicScienceLife.htm


That way you're not investing too much for this year but have the time to figure out exactly what you're looking for next.

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You could also get a Prentice Hall Science Explorer book - they are basically like 'mini' public school textbooks on one topic & there are a bunch of them, just check Amazon. You can pick up used ones pretty cheap, and it will give her an experience pretty similar to what her public school friends are doing.

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ACS Middle School Chemistry http://www.middleschoolchemistry.com/ lasts a few weeks, is totally ready for the teacher to open and go (you will need to gather supplies for the labs, most of which are the type of thing Walmart sells) and only lasts a few weeks. It is an AMAZING program. I can't believe more people don't use this. IT IS FREE! You can download it RIGHT NOW and start using it immediately.


I got some of the Prentice Hall Science Explorer books mentioned above on Paperback Swap, so they were virtually free. They do take a little more planning on the teacher's part, but not much. They are used in schools, so they probably look like what her friends use. In school a teacher would use several volumes in one year, so you can customize the rest of this school year to be however long you want based on how many you use.

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I've used several of the programs mentioned: Ellen McHenry, Mr. Q, and PHSE. Mr. Q I think would be too light for 7th grade unless you went with the Advanced Chemistry book, and that is a full-year book requiring algebra 1. PHSE is solid but a bit dull. Ellen McHenry would be my suggestion as her programs are "meaty" enough for jr. high (many of the topics I didn't cover until high school or even college chemistry) but it's wonderfully engaging.


Dr. Dave's Teaching Manuals are something that look really interesting and have gotten good reviews from posters here who have used them. But I have no personal experience with them.

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I have a 2nd and 3rd grader and we are doing MFW Adventures this year. My kids were wanting more Science and they love to do projects. I ordered A Reason For Science. We are starting with level B. We just recently started this curriculum because it is a little expensive and we had to save up, but I am really impressed with it so far. I ordered the kit that has all the supplies for the projects, which makes it so much easier because most everything is all there for you. They were so excited doing their project today. My son hugged me and thanked me for "making school so much fun today!"

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