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HOD is working!!! :)

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For the first time since we began homeschooling, we are on track for finishing when we want to. Usually we just have to skip the last part of our curriculum or finish it up and start late the next year. We are actually set to finish EARLY this year. As long as there are no bumps in the coming months... and even if there are we should be able to finish on time. Woohoo! This is our first year with HOD and we are loving it. I miss MFW at times but HOD seems to get done better around here. Plus the kids like it and are on most occasions excited for school. What homeschool Mama could ask for more! :) Just had to share.

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I am so glad to hear that you like HOD. Your kids are the same age that mine will be next year, and I plan to have them in Bigger. How do you like NOEO with HOD? Which NOEO course do you have them in? Thank you so much!

It would work great with NOEO if I could get it all in. I am finding it hard to do though with the toddler and baby as well. It could just that we aren't getting much sleep right now though. I think it is doable and hope to get it back on track soon. We are doing NOEO Chem 1 and I find it pleanty rigorous for both the older ones.

I should add that we don't do the notebooking exaclty as mapped out in the teacher guide for NOEO. My kids would balk at it if we did.

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It's our first year with HOD and we're using CTC as well. It's our best year of homeschooling (so far) because we are on track and I don't feel that we're missing anything. My daughter said she wants to use HOD again next year so that says a lot! We're getting school done and it's challenging yet fulfilling.

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This is our first year using HOD. We ALL love it so much. My oldest is even telling her friends how much she loves it and especially loves history. She says that after she does math she is "done" with school for the day bc the rest is just fun stuff. Her workload is challenging in Preparing, but she just enjoys it so much and so do the rest of my kids.

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I also love HOD. We will finish Preparing in the spring. We have been working at half pace. We started last year and it will take us two full school years to finish. It has been a great pace for my boys. Their skill level in many areas has improved greatly. I'm looking forward to CTC next year!


God Bless,

Elise in NC

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