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HELP!! I sent an email I shouldn't have, now what?


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We live in a community with a HOA. We are having significant problems with the board and dishonesty. It's possible that we may have to vote the board out.


I accidentally cc'd the board in an email that I sent to someone else. I'm absolutely horrified, and embarrassed to show my face at the meeting that is taking place tomorrow. Nothing in the email was untrue, and the board should be aware of it, but it was in an appropriate tone to send to them.


I've already sent an apology to both people, and a separate private email to the board president apologizing again. I offered to meet before the meeting to ensure transparency on my part as well as hers.


I just feel sick, what do I do now?

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Honestly I would not feel bad. You spoke the truth to the other people. You are trying to solve problems and help the situation. It is not like you sent the email trying to stirr up trouble. I know this is easier said than done but don't worry about it. :grouphug:


It could appear as though I was trying to stir up trouble, but my intent was to inform the other neighbor about the current state of the board. The president is my next door neighbor and already doesn't like me very much.

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Sorry this happened to you. It does happen to all of us at some time or other, though that isn't much comfort now.


It sounds like whatever you wrote was honest, and given that, it might actually be good that a few extra people got the "not watered down" version.


It sounds like things are already very charged over there and you aren't having much fun with this aspect of your life. Just hold your head up and be completely honest and keep integrity first. Then after you see how it goes over, decide what you want your role to be going forward. Be true to yourself. Focus on the future, not the past.


If it's any comfort, I once accidentally sent my boss's boss an email meant for my boyfriend, saying "should I arrange my company travel to meet you in your city?" I wanted to shrink to an inch high, but I lived through it. (My lifespan might have been shortened a little, though, Lol.)

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:grouphug: its a done deal. you spoke truth to power, just inadvertently. if you enjoy being on the board, do what it takes to gain forgiveness. if you don't, and it is really this stressful, then maybe its time to find a different way to use your gifts and talents. i have recently decided that its okay for me to leave things that no longer work for me or my family.


good luck!


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You sent it. It's now out in the open. You've taken steps to make it right.


I think the best thing you can do at this point is to stand by the truth of what you said, even if the way you stated it wasn't appropriate for your unintended recipients. If you try to backtrack, or soften the truth somehow, you won't be believed and it won't help the situation.


As uncomfortable as it is, own what you said and go from there. Who knows, this unintended airing of grievances may well be a catalyst to change things for the better.


Good luck at the meeting tomorrow!

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You sent it. It's now out in the open. You've taken steps to make it right.


I think the best thing you can do at this point is to stand by the truth of what you said, even if the way you stated it wasn't appropriate for your unintended recipients. If you try to backtrack, or soften the truth somehow, you won't be believed and it won't help the situation.


As uncomfortable as it is, own what you said and go from there. Who knows, this unintended airing of grievances may well be a catalyst to change things for the better.


Good luck at the meeting tomorrow!


That is just what I needed to hear. It was a mistake, but also the truth.


I'm going to stand by the truth in what I said, and move forward. I'm not going to back down, because what is happening is wrong. The current board is endangering the investments of 28 homes by burying there head in the sand and being dishonest. What have they done wrong, and why can't they be honest? If they were transparent in their actions we would help to fix it.


This board has been exactly what I needed today. Mistakes happen, I've made amends the best I can, and now I'm going to do what is right.


If we shadows have offended,

Think but this, and all is mended,

That you have but slumber'd here

While these visions did appear.

And this weak and idle theme,

No more yielding but a dream,

Gentles, do not reprehend:

if you pardon, we will mend:

And, as I am an honest Puck,

If we have unearned luck

Now to 'scape the serpent's tongue,

We will make amends ere long;

Else the Puck a liar call;

So, good night unto you all.

Give me your hands, if we be friends,

And Robin shall restore amends.

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Stating the truth is never easy, and tone is a difficult thing to control in email format. People can read a nasty tone even if you think you've typed it in a nice way, but that's not something you can control all the time. Smileys aren't always appropriate for professional correspondence to "soften the blow" anyhow.


The rather ironic thing is that I've been a member of this board for a long time, and I often don't respond to posts that I would like too. I'm always worried that I will come off sounding overly opinionated or know it all-ish.



I lurked for this reason for a while before realizing half the board would only agree/disagree with me half the time anyhow. Everyone is an expert in something and community is for sharing that with others, especially when they ask. People who vehemently dislike one opinion sometimes end up being your biggest supporters in other threads, and most respect you for sticking to your guns and supporting your opinion well even if they don't agree.

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