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Washing the ceiling!?!?


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I wash the bathroom ceiling once a year, the kitchen ceiling twice a year. Bathrooms get mildew. Kitchens get that film from cooking. I find both mildew and that greasy film too gross not to wash.


YMMV, obviously they're your ceilings, not mine.

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I washed ceilings in my old house one a yer or so, but we have acoustic (popcorn) ceilings here, so nope, no more ceiling cleaning for me. I only cleaned them, because I do not have my house sprayed for bugs. And tht was the only way to get rid of the cobwebs and buggy remains on the ceiling.

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I'll admit to being one of the ceiling washing freaks. I picked it up from a housekeeping book I read to undo my messy childhood. We cook a lot. Kitchen ceilings can get grimy because of the moisture involved with that. Also we had a house where cobwebs appeared in any and all corners. So we regularly dusted the edges to the ceilings everywhere and we washed the ceiling annually, sometimes more, until 2009, the most sucktastic year of my entire life. Baby born early (a few days from the start of the year) who had some health stuff, killer ppd, job changes, you name it... all while being the sole caregiver for my seriously cancer riddled mom, who died that year and then the aftermath. Not that anyone needs any reason at all to cut back on housework, but I def. had one! That year, I barely washed my clothing and dishes, to hell with the ceilings. I considered a good day one where we ate something that didn't come from a take out stand. So that stopped ceiling washing until basically last year when I noticed that the ceiling was looking pretty ick. If it's flat paint or that dreadful popcorn stuff, don't do it. I've always had ceilings where the kitchen ceiling is painted with an enamel/washable surface. I certainly don't mess with washing the flat paint ceiling in the other rooms. Just a dust off.


And, yes, I am tall enough to wash my ceiling with only a chair. Tall enough to do that, but still the shortest gal in my whole family.

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. I've had them wipe footprints off the ceiling, but never got to the truth of how they got there. Myra


This reminded me of a story about Abraham Lincoln and his stepmother, Sarah:


Lincoln's legendary sense of humor was probably influenced by his stepmother. He recalled that she was a firm but kind-hearted woman who loved to laugh. When he was eighteen years old, Lincoln, at 6' 4", was so tall that his head nearly touched the ceiling of the family's farmhouse kitchen. His stepmother repeatedly joked that Lincoln was so tall that she was afraid he would leave footprints on her ceiling. Lincoln decided to have some fun with this idea. One day, when his stepmother was not home, Lincoln got together a group of younger boys and had them dip their bare feet in the mud outside the farmhouse kitchen. Then Lincoln took each of the boys inside, held them upside-down, and had them walk their feet across the ceiling, leaving muddy footprints. When Sarah Lincoln saw the muddy footprints on her ceiling, Lincoln recalled, she "took a broom to my head, but I could tell she was very amused by it."[



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The funny part about that Lincoln story is that my eldest is now actually 6'4" tall! Although I never got to the bottom of the story(a few years back), but the looks are their faces when I asked if they knew about was priceless and they quickly wiped them without any complaining. Even if I mention it today, they look quickly at each other and change the subject! It's fun to see the brothers in "co-hoots" with each other esp when no damage was done - probably just teen silliness!




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