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Tinnitus/ear vibrations....TMJ


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Hi there,


I was wondering whether there are any other h/s moms/dads who suffer from this.


I have had this for a number of months and would so appreciate any advice or support. Some days I feel so stressed out from the vibrations in my ears and spend so muc of the day lying down waiting for the vibrations to go.


i normally wake up with it and on a bad days lasts until 4pm and a good day a few hours only.


It can also randonmly start with a yawn or hiccup.


If someone else has gone through this and can offer me some advice or support I would soooo appreciate it.



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If it is bothering you that much, you should go get it checked out. A certain amount is normal enough, I would think, but if this has not been a life long issue, it could be a hint of something serious.





I used to get it a lot as a kid, but haven't as an adult. I wonder if the chiro has anything to do with that? It's plausible...

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I have it right now due to pregnancy. I'm not sure I have much I'm the way of advice. Basically, it drives me nuts but I have found the best thing for me is just to push through and do whatever I'm supposed to be doing. When I am busy I am a little less distracted by it. It is mostly in my right ear and sometimes sleeping on my left side and or leaning over towards my left offers some relief. Basically, I have it most of the time so laying down until it goes away isn't really an option. The more I lay down the worse I feel physically from the pregnancy so I just suffer through.


I noticed when I exercise it stops for a while also.

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I had tinnitus and it drove me nuts. My head would hurt so bad that I'd sit there and cry. My kids were still in public school then. I can't imagine trying to homeschool and deal with the ringing at the same time. There were days it was so loud I couldn't even hear my husband talking to me. I finally started searching for a cure - my dr. said there was basically nothing they could do. I found this website from England and this dr said that he was having great success with patients when they were on drugs that dried out their sinuses for extended periods of time. I knew that a product called Dimatapp always dried my sinuses up when I had a cold.


Now, please don't do this without asking your doctor! Cause I got yelled at by my Dr when I finally fessed up to her about what I did to resolve the ringing in my ears. Truthfully, the ringing was causing me to become depressed I was so desperate to make it stop.


I started taking double the dose four times a day for 7 months. Yeah, it was a really long time. The ringing in my ears stopped around the 5 month but when I stopped taking it, the ringing started back up a week later. So, I continued until the 7th month and tried stopping again. Now, if I get a cold or sinus infection I take the Dimatapp for about a week after the infection is gone, if I don't the ringing starts again.


Again, talk to your dr. first.

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THank you all,

I have been to the doctor and also ENT specialist. They are NO help!

I really *want* to continue and not let it bother me, just struggling to actually do that.


I will look into the Dimetapp, it is easy to get here. I have been taking phenergan at night, it is also a drying up sinus type thing and perhaps it may have same effect if I take it for an extended period of time.


There is a chance that grinding my teeth at night is causing the muscle spasms that go towards my ear.


I feel desperate and *wish* I could be brave and pretend it is not there and soldier on.


thanks heaps

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In my case, gluten seems to be the culprit. 5 years ago I got a nasty ear infection, and I was left with tittinus in that ear. Last January, i decided to go gluten free for unrelated reasons. I lost 10 lbs, and the ringing stopped! I didn't even notice it until I started eating bread again. The ringing came back, and I put 2 and 2 together. Sure enough, no gluten=no ringing.

(Right niw, after all the Christmas cookies, and logs, it's ringing loudly)

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In my case, gluten seems to be the culprit. 5 years ago I got a nasty ear infection, and I was left with tittinus in that ear. Last January, i decided to go gluten free for unrelated reasons. I lost 10 lbs, and the ringing stopped! I didn't even notice it until I started eating bread again. The ringing came back, and I put 2 and 2 together. Sure enough, no gluten=no ringing.

(Right niw, after all the Christmas cookies, and logs, it's ringing loudly)



I second that!


CookIslandsMommy, if you have tinnitus or ear infection, please avoid, refined sugar, chocs, sweets, wheat, gluten, alcohol, high carbs, &, all processed junk foods & tranfats.


You can try using freshly crushed garlic cloves (4-5) mkixed in a couple of tablespoons of olive oil (do not wash garlic in water. Make sure the freshly peeled garlic garlic & utensils are dry & clean). After crushing the garlic and mixing it in oil, leave the mixture for a few minutes for the garlic to infuse into the oil. Put a couple of drops in ear (using a dry clean spoon or dropper) and leave for a couple of minutes and then drain on tissue. Use 3 times a day (at least). Make a fresh garlic & olive oil mixture daily, until it clears.


Check to see to see the doctor (or, herbalist/ homeopathist/ naturapathist, that you don't have a perforation in your ear-drum, ear infection or an excessive amount of wax if it continues.


In the mean time, have a healthy balanced diet, meat, chicken, eggs, fish, vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, aubergine, leeks,spinach, peas, okra, etc), salad, herbs, butter, coconut oil, olive oil, (some fresh fruit & rice, if no adverse effects) & plenty of garlic & lemons with your meals.


Exercise daily (to keep sinus clear).


(I wrote a post about ear infections previously, here)


Best Wishes

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Thanks for the replies!

I am already gluten free, I noticed that dairy made it worse and so I stopped dairy 4 months ago,


I eat gluten free bread for breakfast and lunch (sometimes) otherwise I have left over dinner (e.g mince and veggies) for lunch. I use a nondairy butter and marmite on my toast.


I drink mostly water each day except sometimes as a treat a sprite. I also have gluten freee/dairy dree chocolate biscuits on occassion.


If I stop the dairy free/g/f biscuits and the sprite, how long should I wait to see if they could be causing it?


I don't really eat anything else that would b sugary or processed. We steam our veggies, I have cut out our organic brown rice completely, so I have no carbs at night...I us ea gluten free stock for any gravy. The main meals would be, chicken, mince, roasting meat in oven mag in oven.


I have recently changed anti-depres at night, in case they were causing it. I took the same medication for about 5 years b4 that.

The muscle spasms always start sometime in the night, and my husband says I grind very loudly. I hv been to the dentist to get a splint, just waiting for that. But every morning without fail, the vibrations are there.


any other clues?

thank you all so much!


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I forgot to add, please do not clean inside of you ears with cotton buds or tissue otherwise it may exasperate the tinnitus /ear infection issue.


If you don't have an ear infection, then you can try just a few drops of olive oil in your ear and see if that will soften any excess wax, for a couple of days (sometimes the ear wax gets too close to the ear drum, causing tinnitus).


Yes tinnitus usually gets worse at night. Listening to very loud music, or ear infections, or perforation in the eardrum, or excess wax and grinding your teeth - may all trigger tinnitus.


If you are grinding your teeth in the night It seems you may have level underlying stress.


It's great you are gluten free. When my child had ear infection I had to change the family diet and went gluten free & low carb, We had natural foods, which meant, no fruit juice, no refined sugar, no wheat, no high carbs (no sweets, pizzas, breads, biscuits, cakes, chips etc), or sprite & sodas ever. For drinks, we just drank plain water. I have been depressed in the past but I never took any drugs/medications. Some medications do have side effects and some foods & drugs (e.g. antibiotics) may deplete your intestinal flora & you may need more probiotics in your body. Sugar addiction & gluten were to blame for any previous mood swings & depression.


Junk foods, wheat & sugar, creates overgrowth of candida and may cause a leaky gut syndrome, food intolerance, allergies, CF, or celiac disease. Overgrowth of candida also may cause (fungal) ear infections. Tinnitus can be a sign of fungal ear infections. I avoid all processed/artificial junk, including wheat, gluten, sugar, sodas, sweeteners, etc,


Try to replenish your gut with as many vitamins from natural sources. Have more probiotics & prebiotics, have natural live yogurt, & live by only eat healthy, natural, foods.


Make sure you also make time for rest and let us know how you are getting along.


Hope this tinnitus gets resolved soon! :)


Best Wishes

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Thanks for the replies!

I am already gluten free, I noticed that dairy made it worse and so I stopped dairy 4 months ago,


I eat gluten free bread for breakfast and lunch (sometimes) otherwise I have left over dinner (e.g mince and veggies) for lunch. I use a nondairy butter and marmite on my toast.


If I stop the dairy free/g/f biscuits and the sprite, how long should I wait to see if they could be causing it?




I said I went gluten free, but to be honest I went grain free. It sounds like you're not grain free. I went hardcore paleo for a month, veggies meat and fruits only, even though I only mentioned going gluten-free.

Now I'm not so hard core, I'm mostly grain free (that includes rice, and even potatoes) but I allow myself one cheat a day. Tittanus is present, but quite low. I am able to ignore it most of the time. It allows me to have an easier diet.

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