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How would I go about finding an art tutor?


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Is it weird to even be thinking about finding an art mentor/tutor for my DD? We've signed her up for various art classes in the past and while she has a great time, they seem to focus on fun crafts or fling out several projects in quick succession or are over too quickly. She is almost 13 and is craving a more serious study to improve her skills.


I am the opposite of artistic so I need to find an outside resource for her. I welcome any suggestions or ideas.

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I'm in East Tennessee. I didn't even think of checking the art museum; I will definitely follow up with that.


We do have a couple art centers in the area and I've looked at their websites in the past to see what classes they offer. It is a good idea to contact them about one-on-one lessons/tutoring.


Also appreciate the Wyzant link. I never even heard of them and they do have tutors signed up in my area.


Finally, my DD did enjoy an instructor that she had for a community outreach art class offered at a community college. I thought about trying to contact that instructor to see if she did outside tutoring. However, I wasn't sure if that would be appropriate.

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Finally, my DD did enjoy an instructor that she had for a community outreach art class offered at a community college. I thought about trying to contact that instructor to see if she did outside tutoring. However, I wasn't sure if that would be appropriate.



That's not inappropriate. I contacted someone who I know teaches drawing at the Art Institute a couple hours away. He only lives 1/2 hour from me, so I was wondering if he taught anywhere closer. Turns out he has a huge studio of artists only 10 minutes from my house. One of his students gave my son drawing lessons two hours per day M-F for a whole year for a very reasonable fee. It was a wonderful experience!

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Great ideas here! I recently decided that my dd needed some art instruction, but with four kids and LOTS of outside activities, I needed someone who could come to my house. I happen to have an artist friend, so I asked her if she knew someone who would be willing to do that. Guess what? SHE is willing!!! :)


So, I agree with the others - ask that instructor!!!

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