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If not ready for IEW...


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What about IEW is he not ready for? I'm asking because that's the age I started my oldest on IEW, we had a lot of starts and stops, a lot of backing up and a lot of hand holding. I found that I could still use it if I was there to help him along. For instance in the beginning I would walk him through doing the KWO by going line by line through the source text and doing the outline together on the whiteboard, just like Andrew does on the DVD. When it came to the writing from the outline I would scribe it for him if he wasn't up for the writing or type it up for him on the computer. This actually was a way for me to teach him to use the word processing program on the computer. We would camp out on a unit or lesson for as long as it took. He's just about to start SICC B and he's able to write his own outlines, but we still go over them and then we edit his rough drafts together. I let him use the computer to type up all drafts so the "I don't want to write this, because writing stuff is SOOOO HAARRDD" doesn't come into play. If I need to I walk him through things step by step any time he needs it.



ETA: I forgot to say I'm about to start my dd who is 11 on IEW, with SWI A, and I'll hand hold her as long as needed, which may be quite a while because she's my vision therapy, still working on reading fluently kind of kid. So I can see a lot of scribing, etc on my part, but that I'm sure she'll be able to do the work, just not necessarily all the reading and writing.

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What about IEW is he not ready for? I'm asking because that's the age I started my oldest on IEW, we had a lot of starts and stops, a lot of backing up and a lot of hand holding. I found that I could still use it if I was there to help him along. For instance in the beginning I would walk him through doing the KWO by going line by line through the source text and doing the outline together on the whiteboard, just like Andrew does on the DVD. When it came to the writing from the outline I would scribe it for him if he wasn't up for the writing or type it up for him on the computer. This actually was a way for me to teach him to use the word processing program on the computer. We would camp out on a unit or lesson for as long as it took. He's just about to start SICC B and he's able to write his own outlines, but we still go over them and then we edit his rough drafts together. I let him use the computer to type up all drafts so the "I don't want to write this, because writing stuff is SOOOO HAARRDD" doesn't come into play. If I need to I walk him through things step by step any time he needs it.



ETA: I forgot to say I'm about to start my dd who is 11 on IEW, with SWI A, and I'll hand hold her as long as needed, which may be quite a while because she's my vision therapy, still working on reading fluently kind of kid. So I can see a lot of scribing, etc on my part, but that I'm sure she'll be able to do the work, just not necessarily all the reading and writing.




I actually dumped it for a short time and then realized I was trying to fit in that box again. Since it is so set up and outlined for you, it's easy to get stuck that must do ONLY this way, when really you can be flexible with it. DS definitely needs more help than JUST the DVD and then sending him off. What I do is number the paragraph for him, and then give an example of words that might help ME for the first sentence. Once he is done I have him test it by telling it back to me right away. And if I see little words that won't help at all I point that out.

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I bought their articles and stories download for my second grader. We have focused only on key word outlines and 3 dress ups for 4 months. The dress ups require a lot of hand holding and I usually pick out the sentence for him to work on. when we started, he dictated all of his papers to me. The articles from the download all have numbered sentences. I use IEW my own way. I don't move onto the next unit or dress up until they have a solid understanding. If you only do key word outlines and then write from the KWO the rest of the year, you'll have done plenty.


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I bought their articles and stories download for my second grader. We have focused only on key word outlines and 3 dress ups for 4 months. The articles all have numbered sentences. I use IEW my own way. I don't move onto the next unit or dress up until they have a solid understanding. If you only do key word outlines and then write from the KWO the rest of the year, you'll have done plenty.


I agree. Focus on keyword outlines. We do ours from history or science paragraphs. With IEW, as other have said, you help until they "grab the pencil from your hand." You can't help too much. I scribe for my second grader. Only add dressups if the ones previously added are easy.


So, I would do a kwo with a child. Then I would have them orally tell me sentences. At first I might write them myself. After a few goes, I would have him write the sentences. I would look together for a weak verb. Then I would brainstorm w/ him a list of synonyms. I would pull out the thesaurus. We would add that word.


If the child were ready for it I would have him go through and circle any words that he thinks are misspelled. Then I would edit it for punctuation and spelling and use the paragraph for handwriting practice over the next few days.

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