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Difficult hypothetical Question of the Day


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Imagine you are temporarily hurled back through time. You encounter an infant that you confirm without any doubt to be Adolf Hitler. You know you have only 5 minutes to make your decision before you are transported (alone!) back to the present day. What do you do?


Do you think your decision is different than your parents or grandparents might have chosen? If so, why?

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I would steal him, and hand him over to be raised by a nice Jewish family. Maybe if he hadn't been taught to hate, he would have been different. Maybe not, but that's all I could do. Now, if you had asked about a young adult, my answer might be different.




Eta: I don't know what my parents or grandparents would have done. I would think the same, or nothing at all.

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I wouldn't do anything. IMO, everything happens for a reason, and everything that has happened in the past has led each and every one of us to be where we are at this moment. How do we know that by removing Hitler from existence wouldn't mean that someone even worse would have come along, and our world would be drastically different than it is now, or that if he didn't exist even still things would be different? I almost guarantee they would be. I wonder how many of us would stop existing if someone could go back in time and remove an infant Hitler. I'm not saying that what happened with him isn't terrible, but it served a purpose in the grand scheme of time.


I honestly have no idea how my parents or grandparents would have chosen.

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I would steal him, and hand him over to be raised by a nice Jewish family. Maybe if he hadn't been taught to hate, he would have been different. Maybe not, but that's all I could do. Now, if you had asked about a young adult, my answer might be different.




I agree. I could never harm a helpless infant. I would take him in myself, most likely, and pray for him constantly and try to raise him the best I could. I don't know. I'm sure my grandparents/great grandparents may have chosen differently.

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I agree that he didn't act alone. However, I also believe that there are occasionally people who are lynchpins for history. Without them, the flow of events is disrupted so much as to be completely new. As others have said, that new history may not be guaranteed to be rosy in this case. No doubt there are those of us who would not exist, because our parents or grandparents met as a result of WWII.


Would it be worth it, in the overall scheme of things, though? Would I even try? I don't know, honestly. I'd probably feel pressured and go with my basest instinct, which would be to kill him in an attempt to prevent the great evil I knew he'd unleash. It would be horrible to do that to an infant as opposed to a young adult, as someone above pointed out, but all monsters hatch sometime, right? Could I pass up the opportunity to try to protect so many? Should I?




Warning: Geek confession ahead!


The OP was inspired by listening to Weird Al Yankovic's song "The Saga Begins" and wondering what might have happened if Qui Gon Jinn had left Anakin well enough alone, or if he'd eliminated him altogether. :blush:

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Imagine you are temporarily hurled back through time. You encounter an infant that you confirm without any doubt to be Adolf Hitler. You know you have only 5 minutes to make your decision before you are transported (alone!) back to the present day. What do you do?


Do you think your decision is different than your parents or grandparents might have chosen? If so, why?


Well from a purely selfish standpoint, I would not risk my own soul and eternity in order to save the world from the horrors of World War II. (because do we know for certain it wouldn't have happened, or another dictator wouldn't have taken Hitler's place? No.) Not to mention the fact that God could've had Hitler die as zn infant, but instead allowed him to live, so why would I feel I could deny Hitler his own choices to make in his life?


I guess if you feel this life is "all there is" you might go ahead and keep Baby Hitler from growing up. Otherwise, basically you're ensuring Hitler gets YOUR spot in heaven. Heh.

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Well from a purely selfish standpoint, I would not risk my own soul and eternity in order to save the world from the horrors of World War II. (because do we know for certain it wouldn't have happened, or another dictator wouldn't have taken Hitler's place? No.) Not to mention the fact that God could've had Hitler die as zn infant, but instead allowed him to live, so why would I feel I could deny Hitler his own choices to make in his life?


I guess if you feel this life is "all there is" you might go ahead and keep Baby Hitler from growing up. Otherwise, basically you're ensuring Hitler gets YOUR spot in heaven. Heh.



That's an interesting point, particularly the bolded. Are there people who'd give up their place in Heaven if they knew it would prevent the Holocaust? Wouldn't that be a remarkably selfless act?

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My mere presence there will already alter the course of history. To be sure I'll move a piece of furniture, or something.


But what if, in your timeline, you were meant to move the furniture? In your past history, your future self already went back in time, moved the furniture, Hitler's family raised him in that house, and he still grows up to spearhead the events that led to WWII.

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But what if, in your timeline, you were meant to move the furniture? In your past history, your future self already went back in time, moved the furniture, Hitler's family raised him in that house, and he still grows up to spearhead the events that led to WWII.



I don't read enough science fiction to comprehend the above. :ohmy:


I should avoid time travelling, I guess

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What an absolutely fascinating question this is! I'm pondering... My initial reaction is how great it would be if it were that easy to just take him out of the equation? However, I don't think I would change a thing. He did not act alone, and I truly believe someone as evil or worse would have come along to cause something else as horrific. Also, the member who said God could have had him die to prevent all of this aligns with my belief system that God is in control. We have free will, and evil exists due to sin. Hitler is one of the ultimate sinners.

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I agree. I could never harm a helpless infant. I would take him in myself, most likely, and pray for him constantly and try to raise him the best I could. I don't know. I'm sure my grandparents/great grandparents may have chosen differently.


I would have said the same thing, but she said we had to come back empty handed. As others have said, it probably wouldn't have mattered. It could be that I gave him to Jewish parents, but he grew up hating his parents, and still gone on to do the same things.

I agree that he didn't act alone. However, I also believe that there are occasionally people who are lynchpins for history. Without them, the flow of events is disrupted so much as to be completely new. As others have said, that new history may not be guaranteed to be rosy in this case. No doubt there are those of us who would not exist, because our parents or grandparents met as a result of WWII.


Would it be worth it, in the overall scheme of things, though? Would I even try? I don't know, honestly. I'd probably feel pressured and go with my basest instinct, which would be to kill him in an attempt to prevent the great evil I knew he'd unleash. It would be horrible to do that to an infant as opposed to a young adult, as someone above pointed out, but all monsters hatch sometime, right? Could I pass up the opportunity to try to protect so many? Should I?




Warning: Geek confession ahead!


The OP was inspired by listening to Weird Al Yankovic's song "The Saga Begins" and wondering what might have happened if Qui Gon Jinn had left Anakin well enough alone, or if he'd eliminated him altogether. :blush:


We've had that discussion around here before!

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