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Curriculum Junkie

plain jane

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Someone called me that yesterday and I'm trying to figure out if it was said with a negative connotation or if I'm having a sensitive moment.


There was a group of us and somehow we ended up talking about school budgets and how much we spend. One lady (I know her fairly well, we talk often) was saying how she spends next to nothing. The only curriculum she uses is math, and now that her child is in 7th they have picked up SOTW for history. Science, writing, grammar, are done with inexpensive (or free) materials and library books.


Based on what I know of this lady it's not because they are hard up for money. I am not making rude assumptions as one never really knows another's financial situation but she was saying how she bought all her kids iPads back in the summer so I think it's safe to say it is not a money issue. :). They also do a lot of travelling.


When she said that she spends at most $100 per child for each year all I said was "oh, not me" and chuckled.


She just looked at me and stated, "yah but you're just a curriculum junkie, Jane."


Ok yes, I buy a lot of curriculum. I also use most of what I buy (some things I get so I can look at them and see if they will be a good fit) and we can afford to pay for my purchases.


Something about her comment felt like a slap in the face but I can't put my finger on it so I thought I'd ask here. Maybe it was her tone? Printed out the comment doesn't sound so demeaning. But when she said it I admit I kind of struggled to understand what she was getting at.


Does being called a curriculum junkie have a negative connotation for you? She wasn't laughing when she said it so I didn't take it as a humorous comment. There's something about how she said it.


So, if you were called a curriculum junkie, how do react? Do you feel insulted? Proud? Indifferent? Glad that the truth is finally out there?? LOL

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I prefer to think of myself as a "curriculum collector." The only negative I could think of is if she was attempting to insult your ability to homeschool, like if she was better than you because she could do it without "curriculum," but you need all that hand-holding because you're not as smart as her.

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I call myself a curriculum junkie because I LOVE to buy curriculum that I think is great. It doesn't help when I find out about some curriculum I don't have on WTM and feel an overwhelming desire to buy it...immediately. :)


Your friend's tone or manner seems to imply that she thinks it is a bad thing. Maybe she thinks you're indecisive, wasteful, etc. My SIL has used the 2 same boxed curriculums the past 4 years and I'm sure she doesn't understand why I'm ALWAYS researching and buying new curriculum. But to each their own, KWIM?

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When I read the title of your post, it made me chuckle and I though of all the items I have collected over the years. I would assume she meant to be funny. Reading your description, I can understand the mixed feelings though. I'd probably have a slight niggling feeling that the other person was insinuating that her way was the right way and the curriculum junkie way was the *abnormally obsessive* way. But, then again, it definitely bothers me when non-homeschoolers act as though they have to defend their decision to send their kids to ps. Just because I chose to educate my kids one way does not mean I think it is the best or only way. I do what I believe was best for my family at any given time. I'd try to take that into account and assume the same thing in this situation. Her way works for her, your way works for you. Curriculum junkie is kind of funny, imo, eventhough I dislike the use of a word with negative connotations associated with my schooling.

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I've mostly heard it as a self-description from people - sort of in a self-deprecating way where people are saying they know they buy more than they need or they like to research and look at new things, even when they're happy with what they're using already. It doesn't have any negative connotation for me. I love to look at new things, but I am also a modest buyer. I'd rather buy books for a topic than a curriculum.

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Ok yes, I buy a lot of curriculum. I also use most of what I buy (some things I get so I can look at them and see if they will be a good fit) and we can afford to pay for my purchases.


This is me. I love researching and buying curricula. My kids use lots of programs. I buy hundreds of books (novels, biographies, etc) in a year. I no longer feel like I have to justify it. I do it because it pleases me. I do laugh at myself sometimes.


Does being called a curriculum junkie have a negative connotation for you? She wasn't laughing when she said it so I didn't take it as a humorous comment. There's something about how she said it.


So, if you were called a curriculum junkie, how do react? Do you feel insulted? Proud? Indifferent? Glad that the truth is finally out there?? LOL



Friends twit me about it sometimes. I just laugh at myself. They aren't unkind about it though - and most of them have borrowed something at one point or another.

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Anything can be said in an insulting tone. The label, curriculum junkie, is not bad itself. A friend and I used to call ourselves that because we truly did buy everything we heard about. Yes, stuff did get sent back so we didn't keep it all, but I'll admit to keeping a lot. However, if your friend said it with an insulting tone, she likely meant it as an insult. Sounds plain rude to me.

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