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I have to pull DS from preschool

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It's not the end of the world but I am mourning it a bit. His preschool does studies with him that I don't even think to do, other kids to play with, used to being without Mom and gives me a break and time to do projects without plopping him in front of the TV. Dh works long hours so it's just me much of the time. I feel like I am a better mom when I'm not "on" all day, everyday. I am sad to see this go.

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I hear you. :grouphug:


Perhaps you could schedule a meeting with the teacher, and ask her for ideas that you could do at home. Any preschool teacher worth her salt will have a list of wonderful picture books and even some activities to go with them that won't cost a lot or take a ton of time, for example. Ask her what she sees your kiddos strengths as being, and what he could use some help on.


I would also get the word out to the other parents, and be sure to get some phone numbers. If you don't know anyone in the class, ask the teacher who she thinks would make a good playmate for your son--many parents asked me when I was a teacher, and I would always say, "Oh, all of the children are lovely, but I've noticed he gets along particularly well with..." Then call that parent and start a relationship--at least meet at the park or something to get the ball rolling. Maybe you won't agree that that particular child is a good match, but maybe it would be wonderful! Keep yourself in the loop--even visiting the preschool after the day is over a few times to keep visible, if you need to.


There is a ton you can do at home that won't involve TV, but I would definitely start a quiet time habit in the afternoons. A bin of quiet activities, a cd player with audio books from the library, and the expectation of an hour (lengthen to 90mins) where ds goes to his room (STAYS there) and enjoys some alone/decompression time (and you do the same) can go far towards saving your sanity.

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Thank you for the link Jen- your blog posts are always well thought out. I have a couple different moms that I need to talk to and figure out plans for January. Some may want to read your post. In the past, the playdate/planned learning experiences have been simply crazy because the energy of the kids is out of this world. Fun but eye popping. :)


The sanity factor/chance to breathe is huge for me, but when I look at what other women have dealt and are dealing with....I, and many in my generation, are so spoiled. Even having this forum as a resource is a gift that our parents didn't have. One thing that has surprised me is how many people think that we are paying tuition for DD's charter school. I didn't realize that most people have no idea what a charter school is. It's been an interesting week to say the least.

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A lot of church pre-schools in my town give scholarships of various amounts. It is worth checking on, maybe.


My son went to a church pre-school that did High/Scope and was certified, and they gave scholarships. My daughter is in more of a play preschool, just 5 hours a week, but it is nice for her, and many kids in her class have scholarships of some amount.

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. One thing that has surprised me is how many people think that we are paying tuition for DD's charter school. I didn't realize that most people have no idea what a charter school is.



The charter schools here do ask for a generous amount of donations. The highest donation amount suggested per child was $6,000. While not mandatory almost all parents would pony up the cash.

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Thank you Freckles73 and Lecka for the suggestions! I'm feeling pretty good about all the options that we can explore now. There are many that I wouldn't considered. Thank you everyone.



The charter schools here do ask for a generous amount of donations. The highest donation amount suggested per child was $6,000. While not mandatory almost all parents would pony up the cash.


Ours asks for money and/or time. I'll be giving time if they'll have me.

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Thank you for the link Jen- your blog posts are always well thought out. I have a couple different moms that I need to talk to and figure out plans for January. Some may want to read your post. In the past, the playdate/planned learning experiences have been simply crazy because the energy of the kids is out of this world. Fun but eye popping. :)






I wrote that post up for a friend of mine who was trying to do an at home preschool. One of the other mothers turned out to be a bit of a problem. But by the time the group got going, it was too hard for my friend to say anything. So I wrote up everything she wanted to say in the blog post (plus some of my own thinking), and then my friend could just share the link. That way I came off sounding like the bossy one, not my friend.


So Winter, if you do decide to go for the at-home-preschool-coop route, and you want me to be "the bad guy", let me know what rules/guidelines you'd like me to add.

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Thanks Jen. :) This group of ladies is fairly excited about education (or have husbands that are)- so then it comes down to the food; dividing the cost of that and feeding the masses gracefully when a good portion of the kids and adults have dietary restrictions.

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