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Stains on old (7 years) baby clothes -- help???


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Hi all! I'm my quest for a decluttered and more organized life, I'm finally going through things to toss or put away. I am currently separating out the twins special things that I have saved in a box. Really not a lot -- first shoes, one pair of little tiny socks, first Christmas outfit, favorite blanket, etc. However, in going through the items, I have found that some of the items, that I put away cleaned and unstained, now have a little stain on them (around the collar mostly on the little onsies they wore their first two weeks and on one of the bibs that goes with a Christmas outfit). What is the best way to get these stains out (if it is possible at all)?


Thanks much!

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I just pulled out 9 1/2 yo baby clothes that had yellow stains (I'm guessing protein from spit up). A soak in oxyclean took them out almost 100%. A few things still had very very faint stains, but for onesies and newborn nighties I'm not stressing. I've done this before and IIRC the stains continue to fade with a few washes anyway. I just followed the instructions on the bucket. I think it was 1/2-1 scoop per gallon of warm water. I had a big Rubbermaid tub full of them and I'd use my broom handle to stir them once in a while :D

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BOil water, let cool a min, add oxyclean (beware this will foam up like crazy, so leave enough room and go slowly!). Add garments and let soak for several hours to overnight. Screen prints may melt or bleed a bit, and obviously dark colors may bleed onto light, etc. This worked well for little spit up stains, etc. that didn't appear until the clothes had been stored, and then I pulled them out for a subsequent child. It is more of a last ditch effort though, because some things will bleed. And if you are putting several garments in at a time, one may bleed onto the other. Try a cooler oxyclean soak first if you can, but for the stuff that is a last ditch effort, do the boiling oxyclean thing. You can try sunning it out too. BioKleen Bac Out works well on a lot of organic stains (blood, spit up, etc.).

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I think that means you have posted on this thread....but I could be wrong : )


No, the star was there before I posted the question about the star. That was my only post other than my OP!


ETA: You are correct :-)!!!! I just looked at another post I made and it says the same thing. I guess it is just a quick way to find "your" posts.


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