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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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I'm going to tackle to leftover leaves in our yard. I'll be so glad when this pin oak finally sheds them all. I like a neat and tidy yard! I'm cooking a big and yummy dinner. Ds will be plowing through his school work and I'll be grading everything after dinner. Since it's Wednesday..I always like to give the house a quick vacuum, dust and wipe down bathrooms so everything stays nice and tidy for the rest of the week. It's going to be a busy hump day here! :)

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I had started a thread earlier this morning, but I guess it should be in this "chat forum" instead of the General forum. I guess I'll just copy and paste my post over to this thread!


You'll notice that a number of things on my list are carried over from yesterday.


DONE~morning schoolwork

DONE~write out and mail bills

DONE~one load of laundry

DONE~move couch and vacuum underneath

DONE~make pumpkin bread

~reorder checks for our Girl Scout banking account


DONE~take dd15 to Spanish class (12:30-2pm)

DONE~pick up "daycare children" from their preschool programs

DONE~quick grocery store run for items needed for dinner

IN PROGRESS~afternoon chores (vacuuming, sweeping, cleaning bathrooms & kitchen, decluttering)

~reading time/remainder of school lessons

DONE~prep dinner

~take kids to church for musical rehearsal (4:30-6)


~get kids to bed

~go to work (8:30pm-12:30am)


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I am going to fold the 3 days worth of laundry that I have piled a mile high on my bedroom floor. (where is the little smilie that hides under a chair?) I am also going to clean our school room which has turned into a catch all for some reason! I am also going to go to the fabric store sometime today and make DD-3 a car seat poncho (a poncho from fleece that fits over the car seat straps). She HATES her coat on in the car because she is too bulky and too hot and it is getting mighty cold her in Montana.


That's going to be my Wedneday...oh and get school done with DD-8.

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I am now homeschooling a friends dd. It is going well so far. She is a sweet girl and so far is being quite studious. She is however limited in what she likes to eat....I some fun cooking classes are in order in the kitchen as she states that it's more of her being apprehensive on trying new things more than not liking lots of things...I hope we can change that.


Today it's laundry day...that means I'll actually have to fold it. Yay me. lol


I need to grout the tub and floors in my bathroom, but that's not going to happen until possibly this weekend. I wanted it done like yesterday, because all of the junk from the bathroom and DH closet is all over my already filled little bedroom!


I need to run to town to pick up a few things that I needed to finish my Christmas gifts and pick up something I ordered.


I also have to finish writing the new students weekly guide for the next four weeks. That will give me some time to wait for her new books to arrive and then finish fleshing out the rest of her year.

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I'm tackling today by getting back on track with my health. So, I got on the treadmill for the first time in a long while. I had Dd working on science and math and Ds studying for science quiz while I finished exercising and took a shower. Also going to be juicing at least twice and will take the supplements I've been forgetting (which will hopefully help my memory). I decided on a couple of Christmas gifts for Dc from my mom, so that's a big load off my mind, and i think I am about finished with gift decision making. Now i just need a plan for buying, but I'm happy b/c we are going to be spending significantly less this year.


I'm finishing laundry and working on a calendar for 4H leaders. We need to work on history and grammar together this afternoon. Then, later we have to head to choir and organ practice. The plan is to work on Ds writing when we get home. Hope I'll have enough energy for that!

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Yesterday, everything went swimmingly. Today I feel like I'm sinking. I'm a bit ticked at myself for feeling so grumpy about yet another change on the WTM board. It shouldn't be a big deal but it has slowed me down because now I have to look at two different places for stuff. I'm achy. Dh stretched me out last night but my muscles still feel tight and are burning. Dd10 is not just pushing buttons, she's hammering on them. Today she followed me around saying "Yes, mother" in a syrupy voice. Not because she was being respectful or agreeing with me, but because she knew that the more she did it, the more my left eye actually twitched. Has anyone lost it and gone postal on a tween for being "excessively polite"? Fortunately she's in another room right now. I was reading a mystery and the book was the dumbest book I've ever picked up. But I didn't have anything else to read for escapism purposes so I kept reading the darn thing. I am very relieved that I have to take it back to the library because some other sucker has put a hold on it. I just tried to clean the kitchen. Not all the dirty dishes would fit in the dishwasher. Not a big deal except that I can't get it all done and mark that off of my list! I wonder if I'm PMSing or something. .


Oh - what to cross off of my list. I helped both ds15 and dd10 to do experiments. I had to call S.C. Johnson company just to find out if their drain cleaner had lye in it (necessary for the chemistry experiment) because apparently this information is akin to a state secret. (It does contain it. Now I'll wait to be hung up by my thumbs for blabbing it around. BTW - it is on the internet if you finally figure out where to look.)l


Now I'm going to tackle part 2 of my morning which will consist of teaching spelling and Japanese.

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I had started a thread earlier this morning, but I guess it should be in this "chat forum" instead of the General forum. I guess I'll just copy and paste my post over to this thread!


You'll notice that a number of things on my list are carried over from yesterday.


DONE~morning schoolwork

DONE~write out and mail bills

DONE~one load of laundry

DONE~move couch and vacuum underneath

DONE~make pumpkin bread

~reorder checks for our Girl Scout banking account


DONE~take dd15 to Spanish class (12:30-2pm)

DONE~pick up "daycare children" from their preschool programs

DONE~quick grocery store run for items needed for dinner

IN PROGRESS~afternoon chores (vacuuming, sweeping, cleaning bathrooms & kitchen, decluttering)

~reading time/remainder of school lessons

DONE~prep dinner

~take kids to church for musical rehearsal (4:30-6)


~get kids to bed

~go to work (8:30pm-12:30am)



Updated to show what I've gotten done so far. It's been a very productive day! In addition to my planned activities above, I also managed to go to the library, post office, and fill the van with gas while dd15 was at her Spanish class. Now if I could just get my "daycare girl" to take a nap, I would call this day a success! :hurray:

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Yesterday, everything went swimmingly. Today I feel like I'm sinking. I'm a bit ticked at myself for feeling so grumpy about yet another change on the WTM board. It shouldn't be a big deal but it has slowed me down because now I have to look at two different places for stuff. I'm achy. Dh stretched me out last night but my muscles still feel tight and are burning. Dd10 is not just pushing buttons, she's hammering on them. Today she followed me around saying "Yes, mother" in a syrupy voice. Not because she was being respectful or agreeing with me, but because she knew that the more she did it, the more my left eye actually twitched. Has anyone lost it and gone postal on a tween for being "excessively polite"? Fortunately she's in another room right now. I was reading a mystery and the book was the dumbest book I've ever picked up. But I didn't have anything else to read for escapism purposes so I kept reading the darn thing. I am very relieved that I have to take it back to the library because some other sucker has put a hold on it. I just tried to clean the kitchen. Not all the dirty dishes would fit in the dishwasher. Not a big deal except that I can't get it all done and mark that off of my list! I wonder if I'm PMSing or something. .


Oh - what to cross off of my list. I helped both ds15 and dd10 to do experiments. I had to call S.C. Johnson company just to find out if their drain cleaner had lye in it (necessary for the chemistry experiment) because apparently this information is akin to a state secret. (It does contain it. Now I'll wait to be hung up by my thumbs for blabbing it around. BTW - it is on the internet if you finally figure out where to look.)l


Now I'm going to tackle part 2 of my morning which will consist of teaching spelling and Japanese.



Hope the rest of your day goes better, Jean! I have days like there where every little thing grates on my last nerve!

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OK - the good, the bad and the ugly.


The good - dd and I did spelling (with attitude) and Japanese (with much excitement and joy). At the end in Japanese we played BINGO with M & Ms which aren't good for me but made me feel a bit better since of course we ate the M & M's after naming their color in Japanese.


There is no bad, it goes right to ugly. The stupid Drano (with lye in it) didn't create an exothermic reaction like it was supposed to. But I'm going to order some straight sodium hydroxide (lye by any other name) directly from Home Science Tools. I found a You-Tube video on how to make it at home but anything with warnings to do only outside because Chlorine gas is involved scares me.


Now it is lunchtime. I get to veg for a little bit and then I'm going to try my hand at making vegetable soup right in my Vitamix.

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You'll notice that a number of things on my list are carried over from yesterday.


DONE~morning schoolwork

DONE~write out and mail bills

DONE~one load of laundry

DONE~move couch and vacuum underneath

DONE~make pumpkin bread

~reorder checks for our Girl Scout banking account


DONE~take dd15 to Spanish class (12:30-2pm)

DONE~pick up "daycare children" from their preschool programs

DONE~quick grocery store run for items needed for dinner

MOSTLY DONE~afternoon chores (vacuuming, sweeping, cleaning bathrooms & kitchen, decluttering)

MOSTLY DONE (did not get to history today)~reading time/remainder of school lessons

DONE~prep dinner

DONE~take kids to church for musical rehearsal (4:30-6)


SOON!!~get kids to bed

:tongue_smilie:~go to work (8:30pm-12:30am )

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Great job, Jenn!


Any more check -ins?


My evening check in:


I made an extremely healthy Vitamix veggie soup that tasted good despite its unfortunate looks.

School is done.

We've gone to the library.

We've done a bit of grocery shopping that I forgot to do yesterday.

Dinner is in the oven.


I'm hoping that the Latin tutor remembers to come tonight after having two days off.

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I am now homeschooling a friends dd. It is going well so far. She is a sweet girl and so far is being quite studious. She is however limited in what she likes to eat....I some fun cooking classes are in order in the kitchen as she states that it's more of her being apprehensive on trying new things more than not liking lots of things...I hope we can change that.


Today it's laundry day...that means I'll actually have to fold it. Yay me. lol


I need to grout the tub and floors in my bathroom, but that's not going to happen until possibly this weekend. I wanted it done like yesterday, because all of the junk from the bathroom and DH closet is all over my already filled little bedroom!


I need to run to town to pick up a few things that I needed to finish my Christmas gifts and pick up something I ordered.


I also have to finish writing the new students weekly guide for the next four weeks. That will give me some time to wait for her new books to arrive and then finish fleshing out the rest of her year.



I've never quoted myself :)


So all the laundry got folded, I prepped dinner and it turned out very yummy (salisbury steak with mashed red potatoes and mushroom/onion gravy). Ran to town and picked up some things. Then forgot to go to Sears to pick up my order, lol. I'll be headed that way again tomorrow so I can get it then. Got the next few weeks written in my students guide and that's good for now. Got the whole farm fed for the night including extra hay because it's supposed to get pretty cold tonight.


Till tomorrow ladies!

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