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In need of Prayer...

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My dh and I will be doing our "last chance" fertility procedure tomorrow. Although this has been 100% God lead, I am so anxious about this being THE LAST ONE, I can't help but ask for more prayers.


We truly believe that God has this in His hands, as so many things had to fall in place, just to get us to this point. And it did, every detail. So tomorrow at 11:30, I will have my last iui done.


The hardest part of all of this is that we believe we are following God's will, and if it isn't successful, I know I will question what I thought to be His direction. I am very blessed with 3 miracles, we thought we were done. We had one cycle left after our last ds, so this is IT. We have prayed through each decision, each obstical and God has provided at each turn. Our odds are statistically small, but we know with God nothing is impossible.


Thanks for reading through my nervous vent, no one IRL knows we are doing this or I'd be rambling to them and wouldn't have to bother you guys!


Thanks again.

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