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Top Picks for an 8yo Reluctant Reader

Wendy In KS

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I am trying to put together a list of novels for my 8yo dd for the coming school year. She is a strong reader, but has no drive to read. She has an older sister who gobbles up books like crazy, and I think that has influenced her view of reading.


She is a major tom-boy, but loves fairy tales. Some of the books she read last year (and enjoyed!) were Ella Enchanted, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Tale of Desperaux, Bridge to Terebithia, Matilda


Any suggestions for favorite *classic* novels for this age???

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My 7 (now 8) yr old boy swore he would never be a reader like his older sister (too boring!). He was very capable, just not motivated. I thought he would never be one of those kids to just curl up and enjoy a book. Then we found the Warriors series. His sister had been reading them and he had heard her talking SO MUCH about how wonderful they were -- his curiosity got the better of him and he started reading one aloud to me at school. It didn't take long and he was hooked. Fast forward many months and he is now a self-proclaimed reader! He reads everywhere. There are so many books in this series that they will keep her busy for awhile. The vocabulary is very rich and the characters are facinating. Here is a link:



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I second the Warriors series by Erin Hunter - and there are enough of them to keep her going for a while. Also, a new series my dd is getting into is the The Sister's Grimm by Michael Buckley. Its about 2 sisters who live in a community of fairy-tale characters and solve mysteries. Dd said she thought it would be too cheesy, but turns out she likes them quite a bit.

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