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Why can't my son...

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leave the dogs and cat ALONE?!! :banghead: He is not cruel or otherwise sending up red flags that he's going to be a serial killer or anything, but I swear, if I say "leave the cat alone!" one more time, I'm gonna lose it. Utterly and completely.


He's five. I'd like to think this is an impulse control and age issue. Please, someone, tell me that he will mature out of this. Please. Before I beat my head to a bloody pulp like that little smiley up there with the brick wall. I am beginning to be exactly the parent I don't want to be. I scream. A lot. And I'm getting pretty nasty, too. I am not modeling any type of good behavior here lately, but I've run out of creative options to try and enforce postive behavior/deter negative.


He can't seem to stay away from the dogs or cat, especially the cat. He has to grab him, pull him toward him, try to carry him, get in his face, etc., alllll the time. And no amount of telling him to stop will make him stop; he has to be physically stopped, and even then, the behavior resumes as soon as he is not physically restrained (which can't be 24-7). I do lock the cat up during the day for periods of time, which gives them both a rest, but I can't do that all the time. He's a little less obsessive with the dogs, but he's often all over them as well. He also gets rough with both the cat and the dogs--he's not being mean or intentionally hurtful, but it's certainly not acceptable, either.


His behavior also provokes the cat, who thinks that my son is a 38-pound kitten to play with--like a kitten. This results in my son getting hurt. I have made great strides training the cat to control his behavior (I actually posted about the cat's roughness a couple months ago--cat has done a 180, for the most part), but no luck with my son. You would think that a 10-pound wild Bengal cat trying to wrestle you to the ground would be enough to learn to leave him alone, but...no. :confused:


Ok, one more time: :banghead: :cursing:

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I just want you to know you are not alone. My daughter is nearly 4 and she won't leave our dogs alone either. They are both 14 years old and they are testy sometimes. But she continually wants to play near there bed, roll cars and balls and everything else at them, take their blankets and try to tease them with the blankets and so much other stuff. She has been told many times not to do it and has been sent to her room many times for not listening. I do think it is an impulse control issue. My daughter just wants to play and doesn't realize that it is sometimes scary or upsetting for old dogs. This has been explained many times but she forgets.


I have dealt with this by having a no-tolerance approach to the issue. If she starts, I tell her to stop and explain why. If she doesn't immediately comply, she goes to her room. She's not perfect about refraining yet, but it has gotten a lot better.

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Little boys (and big boys for that matter) are incredibly physical. They love to jump on, wrestle, and grab all the time. My neighbor declared that my boys were jusf two little noodles wriggling all over each other in the yard. My youngest son especially needs lots of physical tough. He wants to hug and kiss but also wrestle and play fight.


Your son sounds like a very typical little boy. Instead of just trying to get him to stop give him alternative and appropriate ways to get all that physical touch/energy out.


Good luck!


Elise in NC

Edited by speedmom4
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Well it is good to know I am not alone! :tongue_smilie: I have definitely tried to help him learn what he can do (e.g., gentle petting) and I have also tried to help him play with correctly with the cat (such as with a feather teaser/wand toy) so they can both get out that excess energy and interact with each other...but it always gets out of control. I agree, I think he's just a typical, full-of-energy little boy, I am just having an extra frustrating time with it. I'm sure pregnancy hormones are not helping. At all. :lol:



Maybe he just really likes the kitty? I don't know much about cats but I do know once you piss them off they don't really like you very much.


Maybe you could focus on what he CAN do with kitty instead of just telling him to leave it alone


And yes, he does really love the cat. Actually, I tell people all the time they are soul mates. The darn cat doesn't want to be separated from my son, either. You're right--cats don't put up with anyone or anything they don't like. But this cat doesn't mind my son's behavior a lick, which doesn't help. If my son leaves the house, the cat will WAIL to the point that you think he's actually dying a slow, painful death. He always has to be in the same room as my son, in the middle of whatever he is doing. We have to lock him out of my son's room at night because otherwise he'd never leave him. It's really something.

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yup. dd5 is at this stage. The funny part is with the cat for example, he doesn't like anyone else to pick him up, he scratches and bites. DD carries him around like he is superman and he just lays limp. Our old cat same thing, dd used to drag her around like a rag doll by the neck and she would lay limp but if anyone else tried heaven help them. It's like the animals know they have to give in to the little ones. I don't usually tell the kids at that age to leave the animal alone, I focus on being gentle, not pestering, playing safely etc. I want them to be close to our pets, just not tormenting them by constant pestering. Rules include if the animal is sleeping no touching for example.

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