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Who's Going to Tackle Friday with Me?

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OK - we've almost done it. We're at the homestretch before the weekend. t31161.gif


So, who's going to finish strong?!!


First up: The hygiene game. We have to look and smell at least presentable.;) Plus the basics: for me that is opening curtains and making beds.

Then we fuel up: Green smoothies for everyone! And eggs and toast.


What should today's musical accompaniment be? Yesterday we went with a potluck of choices but that means there is someone running to choose a new song every 5 min. or so. I'm thinking we'll go with Jack Johnson today.

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I was fully dressed when the guy knocked on the door for our propane delivery, but I've done nothing since then. I'm still going to count that as a win for the morning.


Now I'm going to wash some diapers and listen to some reading, do some math, and help my oldest spell words for what she is writing. After that we are getting some outside work done. If I'm feeling really ambitious, I'll start dinner early and empty enough out of my girls' dresser to make room for their new clothes. We might pop on some jazz if everyone can agree on one thing.


Good luck! :D

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I will! We have a really busy day around here. Our to-do list includes:


1. School

2. Carving pumpkins for our co-op harvest festival's contest

3. Baking cupcakes for co-op festival's baking contest

4. Fixing chicken salad for the feast at the festival

5. Baking low carb cookies for me--I want dessert at the festival;)

6. Coloring my hair

7. House cleaning

8. Finally relaxing tonight!

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OK - we've almost done it. We're at the homestretch before the weekend. t31161.gif


So, who's going to finish strong?!!


First up: The hygiene game. We have to look and smell at least presentable.;) Plus the basics: for me that is opening curtains and making beds.

Then we fuel up: Green smoothies for everyone! And eggs and toast.


What should today's musical accompaniment be? Yesterday we went with a potluck of choices but that means there is someone running to choose a new song every 5 min. or so. I'm thinking we'll go with Jack Johnson today.


After a crappy day yesterday, I'm on board for tackling Friday! I'm so ready for the weekend to be here!


It's lunchtime here (leftover Angel Chicken over spaghetti). So far today, we've gotten up, dressed & fed before taking dd15 to co-op (9am). We also dropped the little girl I babysit at her preschool (need to pick her up in a half hour). We made a trip to Trader Joe's to stock up on fresh fruits, veggies & KIND bars (I'm addicted!). We then drove another 40 minutes to pick up ham & bacon (We've started ordering in bulk through Zaycon foods). After we pick up my "daycare" child from her preschool, we have to run to the dollar store. My three younger kids are putting together a Christmas shoebox for Operation Christmas Child (purchasing everything with their own money). Then we'll pick dd15 up from co-op and head home for afternoon school & chores. At some point today, I need to squeeze in some exercise time on the treadmill since I took the past 2 days off.

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Friend is here finishing the tiling of the bathroom...so excited because then I can work on the grouting, getting the floor tiled and grouted and then move on to the vanity and hardware.


Then I can head into the kitchen and start redoing it! I'm starting with the removal of all the wallpaper! Can't wait!


OTher than that, I'm working on my dd's schedule. Writing in all her history work...


Did go through dd's clothing and we are donating another bag of clothes that she can't wear.

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We're about 15 min. off of our personal schedule because our neighbor's dog got out and it took us that long to get him back into his yard. Dd10 and I both tried unsuccessfully to get their gate unlatched, then tried to coax the dog back through the hole with milk bones, when we had just about given up, the dog hopped back through. Then we had to rig up a temporary fix to the fence and leave the neighbors a note so they can get it fixed more permanently.


However: I am showered, dressed, my bed is made, animals have pottied and we've all had breakfast.


Morning chores are going to be the minimum of animal care and personal care (vitamins, teeth etc.)


Then it's school time.

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I was feeling so good this morning, full of energy. I had the kids dressed and fed at 8:00 am, ready to start school. And then my dd9, who had not yet been ill (!), started crying and crying and complaining about her tummy. :001_huh:


Yep, I totally jinxed myself on this thread yesterday :glare:.


I did school with my dd6, which is always a pleasure.

Dd9 lay on the couch, reading.


In the afternoon my husband and dd9 decided that we needed to totally rearrange all the furniture downstairs. They do this a couple of times a year and it always leaves me :blink:. I'm going to feel like a guest in my own home the next few days. Sigh. Well, I did get to clean behind and under everything, so that is a good thing.

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My 11 am thread check-in. This morning has gone better than expected.


Ds needed to concentrate on Geometry more than anything so this morning's seminar time was devoted to that. He had a rough start (wanting to sneak time in on the laptop instead of getting down to work) but he did get the assignment done. Woo hoo!


Dd worked on history and handwriting and voluntarily wrote an article on her volunteer work.:001_smile: Since it is like pulling teeth to get her to write, this was a "yes" from me.


In between prodding ds to work, I managed to get the kitchen clean and three (count them - 3!) loads of laundry folded. I still need to put them away.


Now - time to send ds to his slightly more independent work and start my hands on teaching of dd10. First up - spelling test and then Japanese.

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I have had a good day so far.


This morning I did roll out of bed to late for us to listen to the Hobbit. But we did finish almost all of school. (We just have a new word to learn in sign language to be done).


We even went swimming for 2 hours.


We are now listening to the Hobbit and eating a after swimming snack. But it's becoming so big for Eldest that I think it will be his dinner.


All that is left is walking to the store to by some grocery. Then DH will get home and our evening activities can begin. :p

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Dd10's afternoon school is done. The very stupid Viking longboat is almost done. Dd is complaining that I did too much of it. I did, but I didn't think that the stupid thing would be so hard to make. And it doesn't look like an adult worked on it either! Can you tell that I am very frustrated and mad at this stooopid, stoopid boat? Dh saw it and just laughed. Now he is retreating very quickly. Dd is going to do the rest of it.


Ds is almost done with his school. Or at least he's choosing to be done for today and get the rest of it done tomorrow as "homework".


I should do much more around this house but I am going to sit down in my armchair with a snack and a very mindless Skulduggery Pleasant book.

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