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Which tablet for Christmas?

Which tablet for Christmas  

  1. 1. Which tablet for Christmas

    • Ipad
    • Kindle Fire
    • Nook Color
    • Other- specify below

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You may want to look into Nabi also. It is a full Android tablet that has a kid mode and a mommy/daddy mode. You allow the content you want the kids to have access to in the kid mode, but in mommy mode it is a fully functional tablet. It is designed for kids and is made to be more durable than a traditional tablet.

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I'd get a 32GB Nexus 7 before either the Nook or the Kindle. My kids each have one of the 16GB models, and we're very satisfied.


Here are the reviews of the Fire HD, Nook HD and Nexus 7 (before the 32GB models were released, it's now $250 and the 16GB is $200) from The Verge.

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I'd get a 32GB Nexus 7 before either the Nook or the Kindle. My kids each have one of the 16GB models, and we're very satisfied.



Dh owns this tablet and is also very satisfied! Honestly, I think it would depend on how tech-y your kids are. My dd, now 12, has been able to pick up most electronics and figure them out for years now. She could have figured out any one of them. My dh says the iPad is for those who want to "play in the sandbox." :D He means that there are very definite parameters on the iPad and not much room to tweak, etc. My cousins kids play with her iPad all the time (11 and 8). Dd18 has a Kindle Fire and it's very nice and pretty easy too.

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For those of you who voted ipad, does the specific model make a difference?


If you're going to use it mostly out of the house, I would probably look at the mini. If you anticipate storing a lot of video on it, go for the larger storage space.

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For those of you who voted ipad, does the specific model make a difference?



I have a first generation that I got 2nd hand this past summer. I love it. The only real difference between it and the 2nd generation is the lack of camera. I think it is a little lighter as well. 3rd generation has better graphics but I think the apps take up more room for it, if I read correctly.



if you want to use internet away from your home, you will need to get 3G and then pay for a data plan. Otherwise the internet is only accessible where there is wifi.

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For those of you who voted ipad, does the specific model make a difference?


I have one of the first generation iPads, as well as the current "new" iPad, and while I think the new one is wonderful, if you're on a budget, either of the older models will work just fine for you. My ds uses the old iPad all the time, and has found tons of great apps for it. Actually, for the cost of one new iPad, you might be able to get two of the first generation iPads. (As has already been mentioned, the first iPad didn't have a camera, so that's something to keep in mind if the camera is important to you.)

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I have one of the first generation iPads, as well as the current "new" iPad, and while I think the new one is wonderful, if you're on a budget, either of the older models will work just fine for you. My ds uses the old iPad all the time, and has found tons of great apps for it. Actually, for the cost of one new iPad, you might be able to get two of the first generation iPads. (As has already been mentioned, the first iPad didn't have a camera, so that's something to keep in mind if the camera is important to you.)


That's a thought! But I have 3 children... so it would probably need to be 1 to share or 1 each.

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