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It could go either way, depending on the state (where cut-offs range from June to December). *Generally* the child would be entering second grade, but "red-shirting" has become so common, that having them enter first would be pretty normal too.


In my area, an average girl with that birthday would definitely be entering 2nd, but a boy could go either way, and the schools often seem to encourage holding them back. Our cut-off is Sept 1.

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Depends on what the cut off date is and whether or not the child started school as soon as they were eligible or if parents decided to hold them back. I don't know if that is a trend in other states, but here I've noticed many people keep their children home (or in preschool) for an extra year. So, a 7 year old could either be a rising 1st or 2nd grader.

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What USA school grade is a summer birthday just turned 7yo?


I was thinking second grade for the coming year but maybe I'm wrong?


A summer-birthday child will be second grade in the fall. I have not heard of any state having a cut-off date that early.

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The cut off date in GA is September 1 (or at least in my part). I'm a summer baby and remember the age/grade I was in according to a ridiculous method I discovered as a child...


I add 5 to whatever grade I was in and that was the age I was in that grade. So, for example, in second grade, I was 7 (5+2). Hey... it worked for me.

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In Washington State, the cutoff is September 1, but the schools strongly urge parents to consider waiting on summer birthdays, especially boys, starting with K. The gist of their argument is that although they may be able to do the academics, the long day (at lot of the Ks are now full day) coupled with the very structured curriculum just isn't suitable for young 5 year olds. Because so many hold the summer bdays (and even late spring bdays), the average age entering K in our district is now 5 years 10 months! The "aging" of the school population then becomes an issue in junior high, where kids' development rockets and the youngers are out of sync.


I have a late July boy. If he had been going to public/private school I would have waited. One blessing of homeschooling is that I could start academics when he was 5 while still giving him a fun, unstructured day.


I think you really need to look at your particular district and child to decide on the best fit.

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My experience, for what it is worth... My now 8yr ds has a June 2 bday. The year he would have started ps, the cut-off date changed from June 1 to July 1. Great, off to school he goes. NO way! K teacher he is assigned says there is no way that a June 2nd boy is ready for k. Principal agrees. All of this w/out ever meeting boy in question. In fact, school speech pathologist advocates for ds and it does no good. I am told he can enroll, but that they can guarantee that he will have to repeat k. Guess why I decided to hs. Fast forward to now... we have moved to a different part of same state. Ds is a member of a cub scout den (he is only hs member) in which he is the youngest (second youngest has a March 15 bday) Funny tidbit, my son is the tallest by quite a bit and it is assumed that he is a year older than he is - that we red-shirted him. Red shirting is alive and well in our state.


My advice is to find out what is the norm in your area.

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