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New hours, starting tomorrow

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Working nights has taken a toll on me and on dd. I'm not getting enough sleep and the sleep I'm getting isn't quality. SO, I put in to change over to day shift hours and they approved it. I start tomorrow at 8am! It's a total shift in planning and thinking. I have to get everything ready tonight for tomorrow; no wiggle room to throw something in the wash in the morning! But, I think this will work well. Dd can do the subjects on her own while I'm at work, and what she needs help with, I can do when I get home. I can now plan dinners and plan weekends and be normal (well, as normal as I'm capable of being, whatever that is). I'm looking forward to it. No more night shift, no more 10 hour days, no more missing out on fun stuff on Friday nights. Woosh!

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