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Teachers Lounge 11-2-2012

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I meant to open the lounge yesterday but obviously did not. :svengo:

So here I am today! Welcome to the hangout where ONLY TEACHERS are allowed. No kids. This is the place to vent or just come in and veg for awhile.


What's up today? I woke up late and we have to leave in about 40 minutes for dd's Classic Books class! :auto:


Kids started out fighting first thing this morning. :glare:


Today's schedule includes aforementioned class, shopping for new ballet shoes for ds (he's outgrown the pair I bought for him in September!), and afternoon ballet class for same kid. I'm hoping to squeeze in a movie with the hubby.


Off to get ready for the day and help my kids do the same.


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Happy Friday.


I had everyone up early this morning to listen to the Orchestra IV perform for assembly. They were amazing. They played a swing version of "Swing Low Sweet Chariot" along with a really beautiful, fast piece that I don't remember the name of. One the way home, younger dd said "I loved it when the basses played pizzicato." She is teeny tiny and aspires to play the bass. The girl loves jazz.


Today is work. Later dh takes older dd for cello lessons and younger dd to the park. That is really the whole of my plans today besides some schoolwork, laundry and roasting a chicken for dinner.

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What's up today?

Talk to me! :bigear:


Happy Friday!

We're having a great day so far today! We're working on a Plan B for Thanksgiving since our original plans to spend the week with relatives on Long Island (NY) is not going to happen due to Superstorm Sandy and the destruction left behind. DD15 will still be going to NYC to perform in the parade (if they are able to have it). She will stay there for the week with the rest of her dance company. We will postpone our family trip to NY until spring break. We're looking at taking the younger 3 kids (and my dad) to Atlanta for a 2 night, 3 day quick trip to ease the blow of not being able to go to NY.


We've done a good portion of our schoolwork already today. DD15 is at co-op and we're heading out to pick her up in a bit. Normally she's there until 2pm, but her last period teacher is out sick and there wasn't a qualified sub to fill in.

This afternoon, I'm hoping to get in a 2-3 mile jog on the treadmill. The kids are making 3 dozen muffins to take to a clothing giveaway at our church. We help with a "hospitality" ministry that provides food while the community waits in line for the giveaway.

DD15 has a small Bible study this evening and afterwards, she's going to watch her brother & sisters so dh and I can go out on a date! I'm excited--it's been a long time since we've had some time out without kids!

Tomorrow, dd15 is performing at a fall festival. The other kids are looking forward to attending too---lots of games, bounce houses, etc. We have church on Sunday morning. Dd15 has a dance rehearsal and then she's going to the Carrie Underwood concert in Greensboro with her bff (dh is taking them).

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Happy Friday!


I still have not wandered out of my room. I am just not ready to greet the day today. I had difficulty sleeping and I would love to crawl back into bed :).


My boys are also bickering horridly this week. I am really tiring of it fast.:glare: I know they have cabin fever and just really want to go out, but it is really wet and cold and the baby cannot go out. We do not have fences and the boys are not old enough to be turned out on their own, so in they must stay.


Our plans for today include, wrapping up the school week, helping DD practice violin, and trying to bring some order to the house. We are so busy all week that it really gets out of control by Friday. During nap time/quite time, I would also love to make it down to the basement and get some Christmas present sewing done.

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ksva, what's with the witch and goblin? Your comment about reading through Ephesians reminded me that I wanted to look for a Bible study through Corinthians. I used to have one but I think I gave it away. Time to look again!


Lunch for us was hot dogs and donuts from QT. (Ducking to avoid rotten tomatoes.) I know, I know. I was just too tired and fast food options here are WAY too convenient.


Okay, off to get kiddos to do other things besides avoid schoolwork. Later, gators!

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Wow, so sorry, ksva.


We have neighbors in the next townhouse over that we suspect of doing drugs. Their landlord lives out of state and really hasn't been keeping an eye on things. Last I heard, she was in foreclosure on her unit and they were supposed to be OUT of there on Wednesday. They're still there. :/ They don't stalk, thankfully, but I'd still like for them to be gone.

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