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I turned down the perfect job....

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Our county extension office sent me an e-mail this week. IT was a job opportunity for someone to work there.


The job was to help people get more nutritious meals from their food stamps, learn to cook, learn to plan and budget their grocery money. I'd be giving presentations and seminars to low income folks about cooking and nutrition.


30 hours a week, working with people that I already know and like. No college degree required.


I just know that it wouldn't work out. Homeschooling and being with the kids right now is more important.


But I really wanted to take that job. You know...just for me.


I know I am where God wants me to be right now, but I hope a similar opportunity presents itself in about 15 years.

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I hear you. I've struggled with similar feelings ever since leaving a career I loved in order to homeschool.


Knowing that you're in the right place, doing what you need to do, doesn't necessarily make it easier. I hope something even better comes along for you when the time is right. :grouphug:

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Our county extension office sent me an e-mail this week. IT was a job opportunity for someone to work there.


The job was to help people get more nutritious meals from their food stamps, learn to cook, learn to plan and budget their grocery money. I'd be giving presentations and seminars to low income folks about cooking and nutrition.


30 hours a week, working with people that I already know and like. No college degree required.


I just know that it wouldn't work out. Homeschooling and being with the kids right now is more important.


But I really wanted to take that job. You know...just for me.


I know I am where God wants me to be right now, but I hope a similar opportunity presents itself in about 15 years.


A couple of years ago "the perfect job" landed in my lap, and I took it. I was miserable, my kids were miserable and it made it NOT the perfect job because the timing was all wrong. In the end it served its purpose in showing me that what I really want is to be home with my kids. Good for you for knowing that without having to try it on for size.

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A couple of years ago "the perfect job" landed in my lap, and I took it. I was miserable, my kids were miserable and it made it NOT the perfect job because the timing was all wrong. In the end it served its purpose in showing me that what I really want is to be home with my kids. Good for you for knowing that without having to try it on for size.

I really needed to hear that.


deep inside i know that everyone would hate it if I went to work.

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I really needed to hear that.


deep inside i know that everyone would hate it if I went to work.


Seriously, it was heartbreaking. My kids were 3, 5 and 7 and the job was part-time so I was able to share homeschooling with dh who was working shifts. I thought it would be fine because they were still home with a parent almost all the time (Nana stepped in every once in a while). But it was horrible. My 5yo took it especially hard and a year later I made a comment about dh going "back to work" after the weekend and she misheard me and thought I said I was going back to work on Monday and promptly burst into tears. It left a deep impression and we are all very happy to have me back home full-time.

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If you were offered that job now there is a reason. If the day comes you are ready to pursue work out of the home in the future I am sure you will have the same kind of opportunity :001_smile:


I know what it's like to turn down something you feel you would be great for and something for yourself. It is kind of satisfying knowing you were thought of as perfect for such a thing, and also knowing that you have another calling right now, and are able to fulfill that at THIS time.

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Man, that's tough. I go through that stuff about every year. And it's really about me and not about them.


If I had a different family, if I had a DH that didn't work such long hours....


So We get a reality check, and keep plugging away.



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It's hard. I know there is a season for everything. And yet when opportunties such as yours come around, it is really hard to let it go.


Hope you can make peace with your decision.



Stay encouraged, OP. You are making a sacrifice for your children that years from now will reap rewards. I too had to turn down 2 amazing jobs this summer to keep on homeschooling. It is very hard financially for us, but with peace comes acceptance. Keep the eye on the "prize". HTH

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Man, that's tough. I go through that stuff about every year. And it's really about me and not about them.


If I had a different family, if I had a DH that didn't work such long hours....


So We get a reality check, and keep plugging away.




Yep. Poor dh works super long hours on rotating shift work. He's home a lot, but when he works, he is wiped.


OP, I was kinda in a similar situation a few weeks ago. Our library advertised a part-time position. I so wanted to apply. I mean, come on! What homeschool mom doesn't occasionally fantisize about working in a library? I just couldn't do it. While I would desperately love to have some sort of fulfilling thing outside of the home, right now my little people are my #1 priority. They are only here for a short amount of time. Eventually they will leave (God willing!!!). Then I can do whatever I want.


This is just a season of life. It's hard, but it too shall pass.

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Our county extension office sent me an e-mail this week. IT was a job opportunity for someone to work there.


The job was to help people get more nutritious meals from their food stamps, learn to cook, learn to plan and budget their grocery money. I'd be giving presentations and seminars to low income folks about cooking and nutrition.


30 hours a week, working with people that I already know and like. No college degree required.


I just know that it wouldn't work out. Homeschooling and being with the kids right now is more important.


But I really wanted to take that job. You know...just for me.

I know I am where God wants me to be right now, but I hope a similar opportunity presents itself in about 15 years.



Just a vote for it would have been ok, and valid, and even awesome had you taken it.


Just for you (and the side benefit of income).

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Just a vote for it would have been ok, and valid, and even awesome had you taken it.


Just for you (and the side benefit of income).



I know what you are trying to say Joanne....for my family, for my reality, the timing was not right.


And really the income....well, by the time that we paid for all the kids to be in the Christian school, I would have been working for like 200 a month. Not to mention the costs of uniforms and gas. It would have been a wash. But someday.....


I was thinking about it last night and it came to me that God will give me something greater when the time is right.

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