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Why would a 10.5 month old quit walking?

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I've noticed over the past couple days that my little one is back to crawling, she's been walking for a month or so. She also stopped sleeping well and is crying more than usual, but does appear to have teeth coming in. She also threw up/spit up huge last night and had a slight fever.


She did stand up for a bit a couple minutes ago, but won't walk. After I've beenholding her and put her down she lifts her legs to go down on her bottom in stead of feet.


Googling brings me to a possible fracture, but then she wouldn't have stood for a while just a few minutes ago then, right?


Could this just be a result of not feeling well? She has older brothers so the thought of a fracture startled me :tongue_smilie: .


Anyone have experience with this?

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When Eldest was 4? (sorry I can't remember)


He got a infection that caused him to stop walking for a bit. I forget how it was explained, but it was just an infection that for some reason settled in her hip bone joints.


After a very long hospital visit, including seeing a specialist he was diagnosed. Turns out all I had to do was let him be for a few days and he was able to walk.


During those few days I just had to let him be and he was happy - and active, just unable to walk.

Edited by Julie Smith
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My dd stopped walking (and talking) for about a month after I hired a nanny. She'd just been walking for a week or two. She went into defensive (infantile) mode as she figured out what the big change meant for her. No physical reason at all.

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Has she had any kind of upper respiratory stuff going on lately? When my dd9 was younger she was diagnosed with toxic synovitis twice. Both times it followed an upper respiratory infection. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001976/ They just had me give her pain relievers and try to keep her off her feet and comfortable until it resolved.

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I would take her in. It's *probably* nothing, but the *combination* of factors has me concerned. So I'd go in and have the doctor just look her over...




When Eldest was 4? (sorry I can't remember)


He got a infection that caused him to stop walking for a bit. I forget how it was explained, but it was just an infection that for some reason settled in her hip bone joints.


After a very long hospital visit, including seeing a specialist he was diagnosed. Turns out all I had to do was let him be for a few days and he was able to walk.


During those few days I just had to let him be and he was happy - and active, just unable to walk.


My dd stopped walking with a virus once. I called my doctor to ask if she should come in and he had me take her to the local ER for testing. He felt it needed to be seen right away. She ended up being fine - but the virus had settled in her hip.


My sister stopped pulling up at 8 months and ended up with something more serious (septic arthritic hip) and was hospitalized.


More likely than not, it's nothing, but I would at least call your doctor.

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I would take her in. It's *probably* nothing, but the *combination* of factors has me concerned. So I'd go in and have the doctor just look her over...


:iagree: It is probably nothing, but I would get it checked out. Is she pale or does she have any unexplained bruises? If so, I would mention that to the doc too.

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My dd stopped walking with a virus once. I called my doctor to ask if she should come in and he had me take her to the local ER for testing. He felt it needed to be seen right away. She ended up being fine - but the virus had settled in her hip.


My sister stopped pulling up at 8 months and ended up with something more serious (septic arthritic hip) and was hospitalized.


More likely than not, it's nothing, but I would at least call your doctor.


Thank you for explaining better than I did. For my eldest it was just that. A virus that settled in his hip.

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