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Teachers Lounge 10-25-2012

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Happy Thursday!


Thought I'd open the lounge before we dive into our day!


For those of you that are fans of cold pizza, we have some today! Pizza Hut. Flavors are:

-sausage, pepperoni, ham, and pineapple or

-green pepper, onion, and diced tomatoes


For beverages we have: coffee, tea, and XS Energy Drinks (no sugar)


Tell me about your day or anything else you'd like to share! :bigear:

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Good morning! I'm sitting here having my morning glass of water ;) while I wake up.


No cold pizza here. For breakfast I will have 4 oz. of a green smoothie but beyond that I don't know. I'm out of eggs. :svengo: More will be delivered by the truck painted to look like a cow this morning. And I'm out of peanut butter. :svengo: How am I going to get protein? Looks like it's time for an emergency grocery store run.


School plans are normal. Hopefully the kids that are supposed to help execute them are. I haven't seen them yet this morning.


Dd has to bake an order of "two large zucchini, no nuts" sometime today. This is her oldest customer who was inherited from her brother who had the business before her. He's a bachelor who has one or two slices of zucchini bread every morning for breakfast.

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Pizza sounds good to me :drool: I had eggs this morning :ack2: I don't really like eggs but last night was reading a book and they keep fixing eggs. They sounded good. They weren't. :tongue_smilie:


Today will be a normal day of school and housecleaning :001_unsure: It is so warm and pretty I wish we could go somewhere. Just ride and look at the fall colors. Tomorrow brings rain and cold weather.

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Baseball mom, if tomorrow means rain and today is beautiful, GO RIDE AND LOOK AT THE PRETTY COLORS! I'm sorry to "shout" but take advantage of a day that the ps kids WISH they could enjoy. Remember, FLEXIBILITY is one of the perks of homeschooling. I'm in the desert. I don't get pretty fall colors. If you can't enjoy them for yourself, at least enjoy them for me! :D

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Good Morning (almost afternoon).

No pizza for breakfast here.

No school today either. My girls both get a four day weekend. Right now, they're in pj's playing checkers.


We had SNOW last night. We're suppsoed to get more later toay. It was 70 and sunny yesterday afternoon.


Yesterday, when younger and I were coming back from our walk, the UPS guy stopped his truck by my dd who was dancing down the sidewalk. They chatted for a minute then he gave her a package to take home. I think maybe we see him too much. I did check to make sure the package was for us, but still. I wonder if we see him too much.

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Yesterday, when younger and I were coming back from our walk, the UPS guy stopped his truck by my dd who was dancing down the sidewalk. They chatted for a minute then he gave her a package to take home. I think maybe we see him too much. I did check to make sure the package was for us, but still. I wonder if we see him too much.


Our mailman gives us all mail on his route with our last name. It doesn't matter if the address is totally different - he sees our last name and says (presumably) "I know where they live!" So each time I have to tell him that these people might share our last name but are not us. He apologizes each time. He's a great mailman if he weren't fixated on giving us "our" mail no matter what the address!

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Our mailman gives us all mail on his route with our last name. It doesn't matter if the address is totally different - he sees our last name and says (presumably) "I know where they live!" So each time I have to tell him that these people might share our last name but are not us. He apologizes each time. He's a great mailman if he weren't fixated on giving us "our" mail no matter what the address!



At least he's nice about it. It is better than some of the terrible mail stories we've heard here. For the first few years we lived here, the mailman wouldn't deliver anything with my last name on it (I'm hyphenated and some places do weird things with hyphenated names). Finally, we wrote all of the possible last name combinations in white sharpie inside the mailbox. Now, we get mail for anybody with the right address no matter the name. It's amazing how much junk mail the previous owners still get.

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Today is going well. DD8 is recovering from a terrible stomach bug she had. We both slept through the night last night and she kept some foods down today. She even managed to read a book for school and do some notebooking in her science journal.


I have a new babysitting child (that makes 2 added to my own 2.) Today is our 2nd day with her and I just got her down for nap. SCORE. She is sleeping.


It is a good day.


Food? leftover hamburger patties and cantaloupe from my garden for the littles. Cheerios and bananas for breakfast. Having these two around brings back memories!


DD10 managed to get Spanish and math done and some reading. We will be working tonight when the kiddos leave for sure :) Have a great day.

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I keep missing these lounge things, but I always want to join in!:)


Today didnt start out the best. I woke up to bad news from my cousin who is like a sister to me. Her baby (about 18mo) is in the hospital getting blood transfusions for a low red blood cell count. They do not know what it wrong, and it was unexpected. They had just gone in for his regular 18mo well check up and found it because of his low iron count. If you are a praying person, please pray. This is my cousins second child, they lost the first at 3 weeks old due to NEC. We are really praying it is something that can be easily discovered and resolved.


As for food: leftover yamdias (from Forks over knives) are for lunch. The kids actually liked them:001_smile:!


School was shortened today due to being the family call hub for cousin. I did a little phonics with my two boys and a read aloud. DD is doing some independent math. Later we will head out for DD's violin lesson and then to walmart for costumes. My kiddos are going to a birthday party that is a costume party, they are so excited!

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Welcome, bluemongoose! Reminds me that I need to continue reading Riki Tiki Tavi to my son! ;)


Lunch here for kids was: andouille sausage with mayo and monterey jack cheese on GF bread. They both loved it!


Mine will be left over pizza but not just yet.


DD is now walking dog and ds is doing walking laps around the pool.


Then dd will take a quiet time and ds will do his math.


And I will go somewhere else and work on my homework, I think!

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