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Pass over the Mother of the Year award......

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So, I'm a terrible mother. I took 2 ibuprofen tonight. I did research it first, but I just couldn't do a RAGING headache (day 3) AND puking tonight. I'm very prone to headaches/migraines, but when you add the force of vomiting to a bad headache I really just couldn't take another second of the INTENSE pounding (Tylenol does nothing for me - never has).


My research says that there really isn't any evidence that it causes any harm in the first 2 trimesters and even in the 3rd the risk is minimal and mostly limited to the last few weeks of pregnancy. I still feel really guilty though. Selfish actually.


(Basically my research said that it can cause implantation issues, so you shouldn't take it if you're TTC, and then something about premature closure of a valve/vessel in the heart if taken late in the 3rd trimester. Both risks sounded minimal and like they didn't have a lot of evidence to support them. My pounding head won.)


So, yeah....pass it on over.

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Girl, you are fine and so is the baby. Think of the crap moms who do hard core drug and have healthy babies. They deserve that award. Not a woman who does extensive research before taking something for a headache! Hope you feel better.


True....I know you're right.....in my head - really, I do, but I just feel so selfish. I'm usually that mom that will sacrifice myself at most any cost for the sake of whatever is "right" for baby/child. But I feel like I've been on the edge of survival for so long now that just dealing with one more minute of that headache was more than I could bear.

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True....I know you're right.....in my head - really, I do, but I just feel so selfish. I'm usually that mom that will sacrifice myself at most any cost for the sake of whatever is "right" for baby/child. But I feel like I've been on the edge of survival for so long now that just dealing with one more minute of that headache was more than I could bear.


You *have* been sacrificing yourself. Like the pp said, one dose isn't going to be an issue. :grouphug: I hope you can get some rest.

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Please, PLEASE don't even think about it again.


I took a ton of ibuprofen (okay, well only 2-4 HIGH doses) at the end of my third pregnancy on the advice of my midwife. It was to stop preterm labor at home. I had no idea it could cause heart problems, I just read that and now I'm worried about that!


So please, don't even think about it. There are tons of women who take ibuprofen all throughout their pregnancies (and much worse!)

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So, I'm a terrible mother. I took 2 ibuprofen tonight. I did research it first, but I just couldn't do a RAGING headache (day 3) AND puking tonight. I'm very prone to headaches/migraines, but when you add the force of vomiting to a bad headache I really just couldn't take another second of the INTENSE pounding (Tylenol does nothing for me - never has).




Oh MY! You took 2 ibuprofen while battling a migraine and vomiting? Somebody call the cops!


:tongue_smilie: I thought you were going to say that you left home and drove to the nearest shopping center, forgetting the kids, or downed a fifth of Tequila.


You will be fine, I'm sure. ;) Hope you are feeling better now.

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Oh MY! You took 2 ibuprofen while battling a migraine and vomiting? Somebody call the cops!


:tongue_smilie: I thought you were going to say that you left home and drove to the nearest shopping center, forgetting the kids, or downed a fifth of Tequila.


You will be fine, I'm sure. ;) Hope you are feeling better now.


:iagree: :lol:

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Oh MY! You took 2 ibuprofen while battling a migraine and vomiting? Somebody call the cops!


:tongue_smilie: I thought you were going to say that you left home and drove to the nearest shopping center, forgetting the kids, or downed a fifth of Tequila.


You will be fine, I'm sure. ;) Hope you are feeling better now.


Ooh! Shopping....sounds wonderful. Someday, I will leave the house for something other than IVs and dr's appointments :)


Think the Tequila would make me sleep? :lol: I'm so tired of not sleeping too.


I do feel better. My stomach is still a mess, and I have the remnants of the headache, but so....SO much better than earlier.

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Don't beat yourself up over it. It's a *good* thing that are trying hard to be careful, but sometimes you have to choose yourself first. And I mean that in a "put the oxygen mask over your face first, and then help your child" kind of way, if you KWIM. :001_smile:


I had a really, really rough pregnancy with my DS. I had a lot of medical things happen that I won't bore you with, but at one point my OBGYN told me that I was one of those crazy this-never-happens-to-anyone cases that doctors talk about at conventions. :tongue_smilie: Even after all of that, plus being born a month early, DS turned out okay. Chances are, your little one will be fine too. :)

Edited by photojenic
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It will be fine. When I was expecting ds I was hospitalized for a long time. I felt like they were giving me pills every single time they looked at me. Eventually I had a crying fit over it and my rather mean specialist came to comfort me. He actually helped tons, he told me that he thought most (obviously drug addicts aren't included here) women who hurt their babies by taking drugs do it before they ever even know they are pregnant. He did not think he had ever seen a situation where a baby that was developing, after 6 to 8 week gestation point, was harmed by comman meds. He wanted me to be as comfortable as possible which meant treating my headaches etc. Ds is just as healthy as dd(nothing ever with her) so I wouldn't worry.:grouphug:

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I took a lot more than that during pregnancy. I was a miserable pregnant person


So was I... pregnancy was NOT fun for me.


I was cautious about what I used, but if I needed the ibuprofen or tylenol, I took it. Same with cough medicine and allergy medicine. I worried a little, but if you're miserable and uncomfortable, it's not doing you any favors either. You'll be just fine. :grouphug:

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