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I am 42 and it has become obvious I am needing some help seeing those words close up. Sigh...I've heard that you can put a near sighted contact in one eye and a far sighted contact in the other eye. I'm pretty nearsighted - now I just can't see any which way without help! Will this mess up my depth perception or anything else? Can my brain adjust? Any body do this?



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I'm 40 and I'm also starting to notice that they're making print smaller these days...


At my last eye exam, the doctor told me I can just use drug store readers over my contacts for reading. I haven't resorted to trying it yet, but I will soon reach the point where I can't stretch my arms out any further and will have to give in.

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That's what I did. It's a little weird at first and sometimes you have to fiddle with the prescription to find a good balance but overall, after I got used to the contacts floating around on my eyeball, it was fine. I think we adjusted the strength/balance between near and far two times before I found something that felt good. It's not as weird as it might sound.

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I am 42 and it has become obvious I am needing some help seeing those words close up. Sigh...I've heard that you can put a near sighted contact in one eye and a far sighted contact in the other eye. I'm pretty nearsighted - now I just can't see any which way without help! Will this mess up my depth perception or anything else? Can my brain adjust? Any body do this?




I asked around quite a bit before I chose to use the mono focal contacts. Now that I'm used to them, I love them! It took me about 3 days, really, before I felt as though I could focus in on everything without thinking about it. Now, I never think about them. My friend who does a lot of arts and crafts says she can't do projects with hers in because of the loss of depth perception, but I've never had any issues. I sew and do all kinds of projects just like before.


One thing you should know--when you take your vision test for your driver's license, you will not be able to see all of the letters in each of the rows--some of them will be blank! No one ever told me about that happening to them, and even though I clearly stated to the person testing me that I had in contacts, she still asked me if I could count to 3 (to find all 3 rows) before asking if I had mono focal contacts. Then she sneared, "Well, THAT'S your problem!" Happily, she still let me renew my driver's license. :glare:


I think your optometrist will let you try them for a few months to see if they work well for you and if they don't, will allow you to switch. Good luck!

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I am 42 and it has become obvious I am needing some help seeing those words close up. Sigh...I've heard that you can put a near sighted contact in one eye and a far sighted contact in the other eye. I'm pretty nearsighted - now I just can't see any which way without help! Will this mess up my depth perception or anything else? Can my brain adjust? Any body do this?





I have my contacts like that. Your brain does adjust rather quickly, actually. If I put my glasses on right after I take my contacts out, there are a few moments when I feel a little off, but it last only a few minutes. If I just put the contacts in when I get up in the morning, I don't even notice anything off at all.


That said, I have bad astigmatism in one eye, but can't wear a toric lens, so I just have a single vision lens for distance in that eye. I don't see as sharply with my contacts as with glasses, but it is close. YMMV as you probably have different eye issues, but I thought I'd share that just for anecdotal reference. :001_smile:

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I am 42 and it has become obvious I am needing some help seeing those words close up. Sigh...I've heard that you can put a near sighted contact in one eye and a far sighted contact in the other eye. I'm pretty nearsighted - now I just can't see any which way without help! Will this mess up my depth perception or anything else? Can my brain adjust? Any body do this?




I don't know. I know some do. My cousin is an optometrist, and both he and my other cousin (who had horrendous eyesight) have done this and it worked fine.


I can't even change prescriptions without getting a migraine and the center of the lense needs to exactly center in front of my pupil or I can't tolerate it. So that option would be out for me personally.


So how are you with disorientation? Do you adjust quickly or not?


Thankfully, I read just fine but now can no longer read through glasses, so it's under them all day long when I need to read, or off and on, off and on....

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