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crab allergy caught up

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I'm so upset...my husband purchased crab today at Winn Dixie for dinner which I love. I had tested 2-3 allergy about 6 years ago but the following blood tests have all been 0.

Well, today I realized it is worse then I thought. After 4 little legs..not even the claw...my chest started to feel tight. I have some extra mucus in my throat and my throat and chest feel slightly tight. I'm doing everything I can not to panic.

Scared me to death...as I've never felt this! I jumped up to wash my hands and face and sit on the couch. I took 4 tsp. Of the kids Benadryl after speaking to my Er nurse neighbor, but I'm doing my best to relax and figure or if I'm felling anxiety or if it is getting worse.

How scary. I had no idea I would be this allergic out of the blue!! Now I'm hoping it clears up soon! She told me I could go to er if I can't swallow spit...or use my epi pen and call 911 if it gets really bad. But I think I should be in the clear since it has been like 45 min.....at least it doesn't hurt to breath deep any more.

Edited by mchel210
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Please be vigilant. Breathing issues are the obvious, but if you should have two body systems involved ... Our allergist says to epi. So should you develop hives or GI issues... Well... Just don't, ok?


Try to relax. Lie down, watch a movie... Just be aware.


There can be a biphasic reaction 4 - 8 hours later, which can be worse. So take more Benadryl when this dose wears off and have dh monitor you.


Big hugs!!!!!

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Omg...things can get worse... Wow... I will tell my husband to keep an eye on me. I have no clue about allwrgy reactions like this.


Yes, please tell him, and if you need some links so he can read up and know what to watch for, I will try to dig some up. Typing from my phone, so just trying to give you the basics.


Don't panic. You sound good. :) But be watchful, especially when the time for a biphasic reaction hits in a few hours. Stay ahead of it with the benadryl, even if you have to set a clock.


We deal with allergies all the time... Not fun. I sure hope this passes quickly.

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Well...I fell asleep and woke up at 12 hardly able to open my eyes. They didnt swell...they just felt really tight...and my throat was sore but not feeling tight. Fun Fun! I can imagine how your kids feel now. I never realized how this felt or how it could occur so quickly. I dont feel 100% today but I did speak to my husband about it so he seems a bit more aware. I think he was kind of thinking I might have been freaking out more then actually having a reaction but today he told me he does realize we will have no crab in our house. He realized it was serious and I explained what you all recommended about him watching out for me. I guess I need to get a new epi pen just in case...mine is super expired 2008. I figured it would still work? And my benedryl expired in 2010! Imagine if I had a new bottle. :D Probably would have felt better quicker!!

Edited by mchel210
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I'm so sorry. I have a severe shellfish allergy too. I have had it about 20 years now. I can't even tolerate non shellfish that has been cooked in the same oil as shellfish anymore. I always carry an epi-pen. I have to be so careful in restaurants because of how they prepare the food. My allergy has gotten progressively worse over the years. Be cautious if you shop at places like Trader Joe's, many of their products say right on the label processed on equipment that also processes shellfish.



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what do you do when you go out? You have to ask if they cook the seafood in the same pan as the shellfish?


Im on my way to the allergist...so I want to see what he says. I am terrified now...and to top it off...my DD9 was suddenly found to have egg, peanut and milk allergy level 1-2...and the allergist told me not to remove the food yet. Now Im freaking about her on top of it! Hers just showed up out of the blue in 3 months time. Im going to have a long talk with him today. Im still clearing my throat all day...I cant imagine it is lasting this long, though.

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If you use the Epi-Pen, please call 911 afterwards. Do not have anyone drive you to the ER. I know so many people who think that using the pen is all you need for a life-threatening allergy. My kids' allergist just gave us a brush up on how to use the pen and told us to be sure to have an ambulance take the patient to the ER.

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what do you do when you go out? You have to ask if they cook the seafood in the same pan as the shellfish?



Yes. Many times I have found that in some places they cook french fries in the same oil as any shellfish on the menu. I just have to be very careful and most of the time it is a non-issue.


One time I ordered Alfredo out in a restaurant, and it turned out that the chef used alfredo sauce that came from a pan of shrimp or clams in alfredo sauce...that was a trip in the ambulance to the ER. I went through 2 epi-pens and took 75 mg of benadryl before the ambulance arrived.


Recently I happened to mention to a server in PF Changs that I was allergic to shellfish, I was wondering if one of their soups could be made without shrimp and she brought me a list of their foods that have shellfish in them, I was shocked. Many of their sauces have oysters listed as an ingredient on the list, but the menu says nothing about it. Their pan friend noodles list them as being in a "garlic sauce", well it turn out it is a garlic sauce that uses some oysters in the base.


I have learned to never take a menu at face value.

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Well...I had a huge drama filled day yesterday. I went to the allergist to get an epi pen...and they said my BP was 140/100. They did the check up and decided to send me for blood work and gave me an alegra to take. Says I need to take one for a few days. Then he says he needs to take my bp again 150/100..grr...says I cant leave till it goes down and gives me a magazine. So...me with white coat syndrome panics...I guess...I tried to relax but my next bp was 160/98

So he says I have to go to my primary or he is calling 911. OMG. What a pain. So I said I would stop at my cardiologist office that is in the next building. I got there and they told me my dr. is on vacation but I need to go to my primary cause I could have a stroke! WHAT? OMG...so I tried to relax the whole way to my primary but you know my heart was pounding. When I got there they said yep...157/100 you cant leave. So I almost passed out at that point...went and laid down in a room. The assistant came in and checked me out and says ..oh your ovary is larger on the left...you should have that checked out...then takes my BP 160/105 :lol: Can it get any worse? Then the dr. comes in and does an ekg. Says my heart has a sinus arrythmia! HELLO??? Am I dying? THEN takes my BP 147/90 OMG. never ending day. This lady tells me the bottom number shouldnt rise with anxiety and that is hypertension...and she sends patients to the er for anything over 100. Now I think Im dying.


They sent me home with a super low bp med. and xanex. LOL:lol: SO...I said let me start with that xanex...and a hot bath. My BP went down but my husband insisted I take the dieretic she prescribed until I get clearance from my cardiologist. I guess the 5 mg cant lower it too much? I hope not...The xanex felt great last night and how relaxed I was. This morning my bp was 102/78 when I got up then I took that stupid pill! I told my hubby I hope I dont drop it too low...but he thinks it is too low a dose to make that much of a difference. The pharmacist thinks it was the allegra making it stay high. He says they most likely gave me the D one and my nerves kicked in with it. I bought a BP machine to monitor at home so my hubby is happy about that.


This was such a nightmare!!! All because I wanted to enjoy a crab dinner!

Edited by mchel210
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I'm so upset...my husband purchased crab today at Winn Dixie for dinner which I love. I had tested 2-3 allergy about 6 years ago but the following blood tests have all been 0.

Well, today I realized it is worse then I thought. After 4 little legs..not even the claw...my chest started to feel tight. I have some extra mucus in my throat and my throat and chest feel slightly tight. I'm doing everything I can not to panic.

Scared me to death...as I've never felt this! I jumped up to wash my hands and face and sit on the couch. I took 4 tsp. Of the kids Benadryl after speaking to my Er nurse neighbor, but I'm doing my best to relax and figure or if I'm felling anxiety or if it is getting worse.

How scary. I had no idea I would be this allergic out of the blue!! Now I'm hoping it clears up soon! She told me I could go to er if I can't swallow spit...or use my epi pen and call 911 if it gets really bad. But I think I should be in the clear since it has been like 45 min.....at least it doesn't hurt to breath deep any more.


:grouphug:According to our allergist and the foodallergy.org site your symptoms warranted immediate epi-pen administration first and a call to 911.


In would always carry an epi-pen with you, on your person. I would always check all ingredients. I would take extreme care in eating out and probably avoid seafood places and and other places that serve a lot of shellfish.

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:grouphug:According to our allergist and the foodallergy.org site your symptoms warranted immediate epi-pen administration first and a call to 911.


In would always carry an epi-pen with you, on your person. I would always check all ingredients. I would take extreme care in eating out and probably avoid seafood places and and other places that serve a lot of shellfish.


Ive never had a reaction like this..but the dr. and pharmacist stated any tightening gets an epi pen! So that sounds scary to me but I am carrying it. I have mine and my daughters in my purse. I have a new updated one :)

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That feeling of panic is actually a symptom of the reaction, it's your body attempting to trigger natural adrenaline to keep you breathing. Sometimes it's described as a feeling of impending doom.


You need to get online and do your research for both yourself and your DD's sake. Reactions can happen fast and you don't always get a do over. Learn about the epi-pen and its proper storage and care- one that is expired or exposed to heat or cold may not work. Each does may only delay the reaction for about 15 minutes, not stop it.


Take care of yourself and take the allergies very seriously- like scariest thing you've ever encountered serious. :grouphug:






(Mom to one with life-threating food and animal allergies since 1 year of age, wife to one with shellfish allergies that developed when he was 40!)

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:grouphug: How horrible. All of it. I'm sorry!


I know you know this now and your allergist probably told you but you should used an epi pen and called 911 with that initial reaction. Your neighbor/nurse didn't give good allergy advice. Anaphylaxis is any two body systems and you don't wait and see if it gets worse. Worse can be something that an epi pen at that point can't stop. It can also be a sudden blood pressure drop. Epi pens are for early in the reaction to buy time for the ambulance. At this point our allergist would say you epi and er for any known consumption of shell fish or any two body systems even if you don't know for sure if you consumed shell fish since you had an anaphylactic reaction.


On your daughter allergy tests have high false positives. If she's eating the food safely now your allergist is correct that she's likely not allergic.


Read up on signs of anaphylaxis. Panic feelings, for example, can be one of the signs. You want your husband to know what it looks like too and how to do the epi in case he needs to act on your behalf. :grouphug:

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