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What kind of cooking spoon?

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I need a new type of spoon for cooking in no-stick pans. I can't use wood because dd is GF and we also cook non-GF foods, so we need something non-porous. I have some plastic spoons, but whenever dh cooks, he manages to melt a bit of it into his food. :ack2: I'm afraid my metal spoon will scratch the pan. What else is there?

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What about bamboo? The utensils that I use in our non-stick pans are bamboo, rather than wood. I'm not 100% certain, but I think bamboo is gluten free.


I think it's more about the wood absorbing the gluten. I doubt that normal wood would have gluten in it anyhow.


If you don't want to go with silicone, you could do 2 sets of wood spoons. Mark one set GF in permanent marker near the handle.

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I need a new type of spoon for cooking in no-stick pans. I can't use wood because dd is GF and we also cook non-GF foods, so we need something non-porous. I have some plastic spoons, but whenever dh cooks, he manages to melt a bit of it into his food. :ack2: I'm afraid my metal spoon will scratch the pan. What else is there?


Will wooden spoons really absorb gluten? I'm thinking Olive-wood spoons are pretty non-porous.


As others have suggested (if wood is a problem) the two obvious options are silicon or painting or otherwise identifying the handles on wood or bamboo spoons so they don't cross contaminate.



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i was also thinking different colored silicone spoons would be best. For a while i had 2 pasta stirrers, the white was 'pure and gluten free' and the black was evil gluten! but finally dh pointed out i got sick every day we did pasta, even tho i was cooking it in different pans - it turns out i'm allergic and can react to it air-borne . . . the smell of wheat means that tiny wheat molecules are in my airways . . . so now there is almost no gluten cooking. my daughter makes ramen in the microwave and dd and dh have their own toaster - but i try not to be in the kitchen when they are doing that stuff

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