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Flu Shot


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Dorms are germ factories; if one students gets sick, they all will. Often, students also attend class while sick. Students who get sick during the semester and have to miss several days of class end up behind and are often unable to catch up.

I started getting flu shots when I began teaching at a university, being in contact with large numbers of dorm housed students. The one year flu shots were in short supply, I, along with every single professor in our depoartment, got the flu - it was miserable.

I would take any measure to prevent illness. My DD lives at home, but takes college classes in large lecture halls; she will definitely get the shot.

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Good question. Dd will be home for fall break this weekend, but she's been sick and I don't know whether she will be well enough to get a flu shot. As a family, we don't get flu shots, but living in a dorm is a situation where I think it's worth considering. I'm glad you mentioned it so that I can talk to her about it this weekend.

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Good question. Dd will be home for fall break this weekend, but she's been sick and I don't know whether she will be well enough to get a flu shot. As a family, we don't get flu shots, but living in a dorm is a situation where I think it's worth considering. I'm glad you mentioned it so that I can talk to her about it this weekend.


It's not just dorm living. Colleges are people dense environments. You're really at the mercy of the students with the poorest hygiene. Who sat in the desk the class before? Who used that library study table?


I would also suggest frequent hand washing and a good stash of hand sanitizer.


(And I need to look up when our flu shot clinic is.)

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Dorms are germ factories; if one students gets sick, they all will. Often, students also attend class while sick. Students who get sick during the semester and have to miss several days of class end up behind and are often unable to catch up.

I started getting flu shots when I began teaching at a university, being in contact with large numbers of dorm housed students. The one year flu shots were in short supply, I, along with every single professor in our depoartment, got the flu - it was miserable.

I would take any measure to prevent illness. My DD lives at home, but takes college classes in large lecture halls; she will definitely get the shot.


When I was in graduate school, my professors spent the first two weeks telling all of us to get our flu shots, because once we were behind, it would be difficult to catch up. The hospitalization of a family friend who collapsed at home from the flu around the same time sealed the deal. Everyone here gets a flu shot every year.

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