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Make-Up question for a soon-to-be 13 yr old

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I rarely use cosmetics. I also don't use perfume or hair products (other than shampoo/conditioner).


My oldest daughter will turn 13 in December. She has autism and is non-verbal and dependent on us for most of her self-care. Both my 11 yr old and 7 yr old are somewhat girly-girls and quite fashion conscious.


I focus on making sure my oldest daughter's hair is washed, teeth brushed and deodorant applied. The other girls have slowly added in bracelets, scarves, hats and lobbied for cuter clothes for her. (I tend to be practical). Tonight, my 11 yr old asked if they could start using make-up on oldest dd. They are the ones who dress her in the morning and style her hair and they want her to start wearing make-up like the other girls her age at school. (My oldest is my only public school child).


Most girls her age are wearing full make-up by this point which I don't agree with. Her skin is still clear (I clean her face every night during her bath) so I'm not sure that I want foundation. I would be okay with blush, lip gloss and maybe light eyeshadow. I vetoed perfume but agreed that she could wear lighter fragrances (very light).


Any suggestions or thoughts? Part of me is uncertain about make-up but my oldest absolutely ADORES it when the other girls make a fuss about her. The three of them spend ages in front of a mirror together. I think she might enjoy it. The biggest problem is (again), I haven't a clue about make-up. What would be a good brand for sensitive skin?

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I'm sure she wouldn't need foundation but I think powder has a great fuss factor. I think it they might enjoy using a pressed powder with the round terry applicator it comes with and then use a large fluffy brush to whisk away any extra cakey powder.


I agree with the lip gloss, something moisturing, the Burts Bees ones that have tiny bit of color. I'm not big on a lot of makeup until high school, but if you do get into eye shadow, liner, and mascara, it would be an excellent idea for your younger girls to watch a lot of makeup tutorials on youtube. The users makeupgeek and gossmakeupartist are two popular ones.


Does she already wear fingernail polish?

Edited by ceecee75
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I'm sure she wouldn't need foundation but I think powder has a great fuss factor. I think it they might enjoy using a pressed powder with the round terry applicator it comes with and then use a large fluffy brush to whisk away any extra cakey powder.


I agree with the lip gloss, something moisturing, the Burts Bees ones that have tiny bit of color. I'm not big on a lot of makeup until high school, but if you do get into eye shadow, liner, and mascara, it would be an excellent idea for your younger girls to watch a lot of makeup tutorials on youtube. The users makeupgeek and gossmakeupartist are two popular ones.


Does she already wear fingernail polish?


Yes, the other girls do her nails. :) The powder is a great suggestion. We're not going to do eye liner or mascara. I am considering a smidgen of eye shadow.

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The other girls her age often wear it to appear older. Is she prepared to deal appropriately with the attention that might come from looking older? That would be my one concern (my dh runs a school for students with autism and other challenges, and I'm thinking of the problems they deal with there.) I would weigh that against the desire to have her look like her peers at school, which is also a very real consideration.


If so, I think powder, blush, a swipe of eyeshadow, and some lip gloss are plenty.

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Your girls sound so sweet and fun!!


My dd (13) wears eye shadow that is just a touch glimmery...almost the same color as her skin. It helps her feel older without necessarily 'looking' older.


Powder is a great idea...Bare Minerals is a good brand. I have very sensitive skin and can wear it without issue. My dd cannot...it gives her trouble. If you have a Bare Minerals store near you, they will give you a good sized sample so you can see if it will affect her skin negatively.


Pressed powders give me lots of trouble. but my dd can use them. lol



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