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Agave yea or nea?

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I think it's a big, fructose-laden scam, personally. It doesn't raise your blood sugar as much as other forms of sugar because the fructose is so high (a HFCS sweetened Coke won't raise your blood sugar as much as something sweetened with sucrose, either, but not because it's better for you).

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I think it's a big, fructose-laden scam, personally. It doesn't raise your blood sugar as much as other forms of sugar because the fructose is so high (a HFCS sweetened Coke won't raise your blood sugar as much as something sweetened with sucrose, either, but not because it's better for you).




I have no issue with sugars in general, but have a preference for the least amount of processing possible, so go (generally speaking) with sucanat, maple syrup, or honey. For goods where corn syrup (not HFCS, just plain old Karo) is used to prevent other sugars from forming crystals (marshmallows, homemade chocolate syrup), I might be inclined to use agave or brown rice syrup, just because it's not corn, but overall, I would go with "no".

Edited by MyCrazyHouse
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Agave—and any other fructose sweetener—is extra sweet, someone should only use half as much agave in any instance in which they would otherwise be using sugar. Other than that, I don’t think it matters much. I do use agave as a honey substitute, but largely because it doesn’t crystalize.

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I don't use agave. But I found a gf/grain free website that pretty much only uses agave.


I'm trying to decide if I should buy agave to use in her recipes or just substitute with other sweetners like regular sugar, brown sugar, maple syrup, honey, etc.


I don't want it if it's just like HFCS.

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I think it is a great way to end up with fatty liver disease.


I use erythritol and NuNaturals stevia, neither of which is also not a really unrefined product. However, in my case, we limit sweetener consumption to probably once a week or less most weeks, and I know that even "natural" sweeteners like honey, maple syrup, etc. raise insulin levels, which for me is a concern. I have PCOS and as a result, I avoid situations that cause an insulin dump. For me, the best alternative is stevia and erythritol, even if more "refined." We don't overdo them, however.

Edited by Momof3littles
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I dont use it...but my husband does...after you posted this...I found a few links that show it is mainly fructose. I didnt realize that. I will have to look into it more but this is what I read:

Agave nectar has a low-glycemic index for one reason only: it's largely made of fructose, which although it has a low-glycemic index, is probably the single most damaging form of sugar when used as a sweetener. With the exception of pure liquid fructose, agave nectar has the highest fructose content of any commercial sweetener.

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